How is this?

I haven't seen it yet but hearing mixed opinions.
Is it worth watching? Does it play like a documentary or an adventure like The Martian?


wHy Do YoU nEeD pEoPlE tO tElL yOu WhAt To WaTcH?? I DoN't CaRe To HeAr OtHeR pEoPle'S oPiNiOnS aBoUt ThInGs AnD nEiThEr ShOuLd YoU!!


Looks like you really need people to tell you what not to waste your time with.


Why do you need to type in alternating Caps like a total fucking moron?


There's already several threads on this, and since I am tired of repeating myself, I won't.


I watched the first two seasons and enjoyed it. It's definitely not like a documentary. It's alternative history.


I thought the first season was fantastic but I didn't care for the second season and that's when I stopped watching it. My last episode was S2 E6.


Oh btw, its alternate history of the space race. It takes place over the course of the 60s, 70s and '80s and the space race against the Russians never ends. There's daring space missions each episode in an effort to one up the Russians.

In addition to this, there's quite a bit of drama when they're not doing space things. So, you have to kind of like drama to enjoy it but sci-fi fans should like it too, it's one hell of a ride, at least the first season is. Like I said, I didn't care for that second season.


Thank you


No problem, PaladinNJ.

I wouldn't think "The Martian" though. If I had to compare For All Mankind to anything, I would say it reminds of 2001: A Space Odyssey the most and that movie The Right Stuff. The space missions in FAM have that 2001 feel to them. Some of the space scenes get real quiet and it really reminded me of those beautifully shot scenes in 2001:ASO. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they got some inspiration from this movie and another movie called, The Right Stuff. TRS is VERY similar to this show. The characters even have similar names.

And apparently there is a season 3 going on right now but I can't say whether or not it's any good.


More like The Martian (but less humour & more politics) than a documentary and personally I think it's great - 8/10.
There are quite a few characters and story lines that maybe take a while to settle down but if you're a space nerd and old enough to recognise all the alternate history they twist into the story line then worth giving it a try.




Just started watching it. It's not bad but just another show that has to throw in all the liberal agenda and ensure 50-50 equal balance of men and women, racial diversity and some lgbt. Got to check those boxes!


You are throwing in your Conservative agenda in the form of constant Anti-Liberal statements. This show is not Liberal ... a Republican is President, and some things that are mentioned I guess that make you crazy thinking they are woke or Liberal, and you people have to constantly complain. It's like 20 years ago it is all about the Liberal Press, the objective studies showed that the media was mostly very Conservative, and the media companies never even let an actual Left/Liberal person like Noam Chomsky have any exposure to the American people. Bernie Sanders who is the most popular politician in the country right now gets minimal coverage, but anti-Bernie ideas are repeated over and over along with the pejoratives about him, most of which are irrelevant.

Why do you think including women in the show is some kind of Liberal plot. Maybe it is that half the audience is women and they want to keep them interested ... a business decision.

No show is perfect and all of us will think we see things in media that might be there, are there, aren't there, or off the wall. I find it funny that there are some things that are not bad about the Conservative agenda, but Conservatives are rabidly anti-Liberal about everything. That is what tells me they do not care about improving America - they want power for power's sake in order to take over. That is not the Liberal agenda.


I find it amusing that you throw a purported conservative-leaning poster under the bus for being misguided and being black and white and then trot out incredibly black and white pro-liberal statements.

I like the show and the alternate history to support the show's very pro-women agenda.


The leftist agenda most certainly is power for power's sake. That's why their version of compromise is taking a little less than they first demand and acting like they're the good guys for not acting so strict in their demands. Morons on the street eat that shit up.

And the leftists are liberal in name only just like the Republicans are conservatives in name only.
