I like it

It's unusual. Looks like it's set in the early 90s,but it's present day. The outfits are awesome. I like the storylines and the characters. Lots of interracial couples. That's nice to see.
Can't wait for season 2.


yup its good, it does seem like 90s/early 00s show


"Lots of interracial couples. That's nice to see."



What's wrong with having an interracial fetish? Otis would tell you not to judge other people for what they wank over.


The politicial agenda behind it that so many TV shows these days promote.
I don't care about skin color - ironically it is the leftists that make everything about race, sexuality and gender, and it starts to annoy me as it is shoved in my face everywhere.

I love the show, it's great. I just think the current SJW-topics are a bit too... present.


Obviously you do care about it or you wouldn't have noticed to get angry about it.


"Obviously" you didn't understand a single word of what I said.
How unfortunate.


You started your sentence saying you didn't care, but ended it saying it was annoying you:

"I don't care about skin color - ironically it is the leftists that make everything about race, sexuality and gender, and it starts to annoy me as it is shoved in my face everywhere."


I will explain it to you, obviously and unfortunately, it is necessary.

Read with care: While I do not care about skin color, it does annoy me that others do - leftists in this case.

Do you understand the difference?
Do you understand that while I do not care about it, I can very well care that others make a fuss about it?

That means, I still do not care about skin color itself, it is not the subject of my interest.
Other people pushing their politically correct agendas in my face while mentally masturbating in the form of virtue signalling, being total hypocrites - THAT annoys me.

Skin color, does not.

Please, for all that is holy... tell me you understand.


This is the problematic sentence:

"Other people pushing their politically correct agendas in my face"

HOW are they being pushed? If it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, why even 'notice' what apparently isn't (for you) an issue? You're assuming 'leftists' are pushing something, which calls attention to a... paranoia (?) on your part to the point where them caring about these issues is, to you, 'an agenda'.


You indeed do not understand, and instead of at least trying, retreat to straw-men and assumptions.
I also don't think you were honestly interested in an explanation to begin with, you're just looking for trouble.

No point in this, enjoy your day, this conversation is over.


Well as you didn't even appear to notice I'm a different user to the person you were previously moaning at, perhaps it's YOU making assumptions, and given that you initiated the entire thing with:

"Lots of interracial couples. That's nice to see."


...would suggest you were looking to 'make trouble'.

Peace out.


Love the soundtrack to the episodes also. Some really great and humorously used tracks in them.
