Am I the only one who enjoyed this?

Seemed a fun movie.


Terrible movie


I was entertained by it, too bad the characters weren't a little closer to the comic book versions.


I liked it too. It was a lot of fun.


I enjoyed this movie a lot.


Obviously not with a worldwide gross of over $200mil (which wasn't enough to be considered a success, but still, that's a heckuva lotta cash)

I liked it, but found it frustrating the way "Justice League" was frustrating to me ... a lot of great moments and good ideas slapped together with a bare-bones plot that, in this case, was kind of muddy

I loved Robbie's Harley and Winstead's Huntress especially - their scenes together and individually made the film worth watching. Just not worth watching twice (again for me)

It's just annoying though how this website, after IMDB closed its boards, is so NEGATIVE all the time.


Didn't care for it. A different director could have made it work, but so much of it fell flat.


I really enjoyed it! Fun movie, with a terrific central performance by Robbie!

I wouldn't recommend it to everyone I know, of course, not everyone likes violence, dark humor, and anti-heroes who aren't really redeemed... but I do!


I really didn't see what was so bad about it. I'd watch it again.

But each to their own.


Will definitely watch again.

Might buy a copy.


No, I liked it fine and I thought the trailers were bad. It was mismarketed like crazy though;this is a HQ movie through and through.
