"This is like some Nazi shit".

One of the triplets said this was his first thought when he learned about the study. Exactly my thoughts too...

I am halfway through the movie so I am not sure if they ever learned the results of the study. But at the part i am at right now they said the researchers covered up everything and never released the results. I really wonder if they were Nazis or Nazi sympathizers.


My thoughts were not so much if they were Nazi sympathizers, as I find that unlikely since the people conducting the study were Jewish themselves, but more that the US government was involved at the very roots of the studies, and that's why it's been covered up in such a deadly secret way - the government wouldn't want its own population finding out that they had been capable of such cruelly unethical actions, but they don't mind letting some researcher guy take the fall as if it's only his own twisted project.


You don't have to be a sympathizer of Nazi ideology to perform despicable experiments like this. I love the hypocrisy of the US government, though.


They were talking about Josef Mengele who carried out barbaric tests on identical twins in concentration camps.


Yebbut the good German doctor sewed identical twins together which is a bit different.

This set of experiments wasn't all that much different from a good many psycho experiments. Remember the one where the subjects apparently gave electric shocks to people?

About the only objection is that the results were never published.
