
In the first scene with him meeting Joe I was sure he was gay and attracted to him. Through the whole second season I kept thinking this, is he really suppose to be straight? Maybe that's what straight looks like in LA lol.

But anyway I Googled the actor and apparently he's gay so I guess he's just not talented enough to pass as straight. He's cute though.


What kind of a name is "Forty"? First time I heard it, I was like, why not thirty or fifty?


My guess is that his age is closer to forty than thirty.


It's his name, not his age, obviously. It just sounds like a weird name to me.


I think that is how he is named. A mix of lazy and comical.


No, really???
You think that's how he is named?!
You don't say!!?

I can't do this anymore, it's like I am talking to a third grader.


Someone politely responds your posts and you rant and being rude. Now who is the third grader?


You have exhibited zero reading comprehension throughout the thread, I have no patience for that.


This is the type of troll talk that got I’m.db message boards shut down.

I’ll bite.

They thought Colt was too 1998 white-privileged sounding, FortyFive would’ve been cooler “Love & .45” but make no sense, Two would’ve worked if he was the second twin to be born and ZigZag is probably a drug dealer in Compton.


He’s an addict named after a Malt Beverage.


You do realize that shutting down the IMDb message boards was purely a business decision? That they saw no justifiable reason to maintain all that server space and pay the admins?

Do you really believe someone other than the users actually READ the message boards?? Even the administrators I am sure only deleted threads/ posts simply because they were flagged.

I've seen this sort of claim a lot (although never before in relation to me personally) and I really can't believe the naivete.

And I already explained the origin of the names below.


I love how serious you are right now.

No I didn’t know it was “purely a business decision” and id like to see some sources before you grab flaming hot Cheetos and moon juice.


Serious? Surely much less serious than you with that preposterous claim. Only someone who takes themselves extremely seriously could write something like that.


I truly apologize.

I don’t mess with *anyone* on the internet that uses the word preposterous. My ego got the best of me.

You win.


Your self-righteousness couldn't be more apparent. Evidently, though, not to you.

Anyway, this isn't interesting to me. Seems like you have a lot to learn about the world.


Anyway, I just read that Forty and Love are named after tennis terms.


That's sad


i just got to the episode where he says he's in love and I was shocked when it was a girl!!!

I think he's kind of hot though

the "old sport" thing is so dumb. he doesnt' pull it off and I doubt his character would've read the Great Gatsby


He's like hot mess, well at least with this character. Fits some guys better than others.


He’s trying to be hip and an ass at the same time. He knows Will* is into books. I like the Old Sport thing, I think it’s super tacky but sooooo LA: just like the kimono

