MovieChat Forums > Joker (2019) Discussion > Why didn’t he kill himself? Spoiler*

Why didn’t he kill himself? Spoiler*

It seemed like everything was leading up to him shooting himself on the Murray show. He had rehearsed the joke, brought the gun. Why did he go into a political rant all of a sudden and shoot Murray?

Felt like the movie would have been A LOT more powerful had he died and became a symbol to later inspire a new joker or series of jokers.


"I hope my death makes more sense than my life"

He realized his life made sense...being the Joker. So he changed his mind, and killed Murray instead.


It was "cents" not "sense".
He was trying to make a joke.


I took that as Arthur being uneducated. His handwriting was bad and I recall seeing some other misspellings.


This. There's a quite a bit of spelling and grammatical errors in Arthur's notebook.


THIS BOTHERED ME. When we first see his notebook he spelled the word “people” as “peeple” Personally, I liked that attention to detail. Later in the movie he spelled it correctly as “people.” If they were going to go as far as point out his inability to spell they should have made sure it was consistent


So he spelled the word "people" as "people" but then he spelled it as "people." Wait, what?


Hahaha edited my comment. First time he wrote it was "peeple"


You still edited it incorrectly lol


Depended which hand he was using how his handwriting was, he at times used his left and others his right, one was better than the other.


your penmanship does not determine your ability to spell


I was replying to the bad handwriting comment of AP's not any spelling or grammatical mistakes, granted you can only tell if you follow the light grey of the reply tree up though the way replies get placed here.


Cool. I never noticed that.


He was about to. If you watch when he first meets Murray he's not even hostile. He's starstruck he's meeting his hero. His voice cracks and you can tell he's nervous. He even geniuelly laughs at his jokes.

When everything is perfect tho and right when he's about to Murray pushes him too far. When Murray makes his crack "had to write that down" you can see him subtlety change his mind

My interpretation tho


Thank you. I will look for that next time I see it


Earlier Murray was his hero.

From the time he put on the final makeup and danced down the stairs, he had a different outcome in mind.


Why write off the possibility of sequels?


Who wrote off sequels?

Don't think its gonna happen with Jaoquin (he's a weird dude)…

They still gave the what if? though


No one wrote them off, but they would have if Joker had killed himself.


New understanding (with himself)…

After those meds completely wore off, he was a new person, that he was always meant to be... he saw a better way.


Well, I think he intended on committing suicide, but his rage towards Murray took over. He transitioned from suicide to homicide. Simple as that. And really, it's not that uncommon. Many psychopathic maniacs have had a similar thought process.

And also, I think after killing that former employee in his apartment, he got a taste of murder, and probably lost interest in killing himself. Bloodlust took over and replaced his desire to die.
