MovieChat Forums > Cobra Kai (2018) Discussion > Schools Response to Brawl

Schools Response to Brawl

Thinking about how the school would respond to the brawl on the first day. Figure they would want to crack down on any problems immediately, and make an example of everyone involved. So everyone probably gets a worse punishment than they might deserve.

Tory is the biggest no-brainer. She's expelled, and even though most schools allow you to apply for reinstatement once a semester, doubtful she would ever be let back in. If anything she might be going to Juvie for a year, if the LaRusso's press charges.

Robbie is also expelled, but he might have a chance at getting reinstated. If he stays out of trouble for 6 months, and has a really strong referral, like his boss from LaRusso Auto, then he could get back in.

Hawk is expelled for basically being the one who turned a fight into a rumble. He might also have a shot at getting back in, if when he applies for it he does so as "Eli".

Stingray is going to jail for being an adult and beating up so many kids.

The random Cobra Kai who beat up the teacher is expelled, and not coming back.

Miguel may have been expelled, but since he was injured so severally, he might be let off the hook.

Sam is toughest call. She was publicly threatened, and attacked. But she continued the fight as well. However since she was injured and probably not going to be back to school that week anyways, the school would just let everyone think she was suspended a week, even though she wasn't.

Demetri gets a week suspension. Even though he was stalked by Hawk and acted in self defense, the school will want to come down hard on both sides, and he did put Hawk thru the trophy case.

Aisha would maybe get two days, if that was the only guy she beat up.

And everyone else would get a least a week suspension. This would be the schools way of making sure everyone cools off, and a message is sent.


I commented on this elsewhere. My wife is a school teacher in a very large public school system. First day of school rumble with loads of people needing medical treatment? Crack-down on the highest level. At least one police officer assigned to school as a security resource, at least a dozen kids said goodbye to their wishes to go to quality colleges, etc. The fight was just so over the top it was completely unbelievable.


Well it is what it is. Yeah a bit over the top but you cant have 30 episodes of them waxing on and waxing off, end the season with a tournament, daniel and Johnny hating each other....rinse repeat. The stakes have to be raised especially to keep younger audiences interested. The movies followed the exact same pattern. Each one got sillier and more dangerous as they went along.


I agree; it seems a little silly - the teacher leaving the scene saying he didn't get paid enough to intervene would likely be fired. I imagine there would be a big police report with many charges happening. I imagine Robby geeting the worst of it.

This is a TV show so I imagine many liberties being taken.


Actually that teacher is right. It is NOT his job to break up fights, let alone a rumble. That is why schools have security guards. His job does not require him to put himself in harms way, especially after witnessing a colleague being injured while doing so. And if they tried to discipline him in anyway, his Union would be all over them and make sure that he was protected.

And school would rather the teachers not get involved at that point. Like the one who did and got hurt, well now he's on paid medical leave while he recovers, and school is footing his medical bill.


I was under the impression the school never had a security guard hence Stingray being there for an interview. So yeah it would be the teacher's job.


No it would still NOT be the teachers job to risk their safety too break up a fight. And their union would be their every step of the way to ensure that no one blamed them for not stepping in. And if the school did not have adequate security, then the union be the first ones to point that out and blame the school for not protecting their students and teachers. That's why the one teacher being assaulted would be a much bigger deal in real life.

If you disagree with that, then you've never dealt with a union before.


I see your point, but that would depend on the situation, the school, the union etc.

There are rules, and a lot of common sense, on what to do in a situation like this. The teacher didn't alert anyone either....


From what we seen for all we knew he could have went and dialled 911.


Honestly, It would surprise me if a lawsuit was not brought against the school for allowing the fight to break out and not having the proper mechanisms to de escalate the situation.


Robbie is also expelled, but he might have a chance at getting reinstated. If he stays out of trouble for 6 months, and has a really strong referral, like his boss from LaRusso Auto, then he could get back in

Umm You're way off here. Robbie would likely face the harshest punishment, not Tory & would also be by far the most likely candidate for Juvie, especially when factoring his delinquent history & likely run ins with the law. He kicked a a guy off a 30 ft balcony, nearly killing him & possibly paralyzing him in an act that was clearly not self defense with numerous witnesses to confirm that Miguel was trying to walk away from the fight. If Miguel died Robbie would be going down for manslaughter easily, never mind permanent expulsion.


Do we even know for sure that Tory was attending the school in order to be expelled?


Yes, because before school started that day, outside, Miguel and Aiesha talked about where is Tory and its never good to miss the first day


👍 Thanks, I didn't recall that.

Was thinking she'd potentially just walked in, grabbed the PA Mike and started the mayhem...

But, in this case, expelled before even attending a class is pretty good going!


I imagine that in real life, everyone involved in the fight would be expelled. Tory and Robbie both get criminal charges easy.


In real life Robbie would definitely be facing the most serious punishment, including criminal charges for almost killing someone. Honestly though the only reason why Tory could hypothetically have charges pressed against her if the Larussos chose is because she uses her bracelet as a weapon. Otherwise it's just an school fight & likely expulsion. She wasn't exactly accountable for others who turned it into a brawl


Exactly. Tory introduced a weapon into a fist-fight. She easily gets charged with intent to do great bodily harm. I don't think it being a school brawl is really relevant as she was an active participant in a fight against another person.


School response to brawl? DUCK FOR COVER!!!


Well, I'm guessing this will be all told to us in dialogue/flashbacks as there's supposedly a time jump between season 2 and 3.
