Sinister Is Superior

Both movies were made by essentially the same team but Sinister (2012) is a far better film.

The Black Phone had some decent jump scares, but Sinister was much more interesting because of the mythology behind it. Thinking about those 8mm home movies still freaks me out.

Food in Films: It was hard to tell what The Grabber served Finney. Was it scrambled eggs? There was a definitely a bottle of lemon lime pop on the tray.


Sinister was pretty great though, that's a high bar to surpass.

I remember the first time I watched Sinister I was in awe during the first half, thought it was truly special then came the revelations and it crashed. I didn't like the direction it took. In saying that I have lightened up on the ending a bit over the years. All in all it's still one of the all time great Horror films in my opinion, top 100 certified.


Just read this on Sinister's wikipedia. One great film inspired another...

Sinister was inspired by a nightmare Cargill had after watching the 2002 film The Ring. To add the authenticity of old home movies, the Super 8 segments were shot on actual Super 8 cameras and film stock.


I agree , Sinister is much better!


very much so


Sinister is better! Much better.


I liked both quite a bit, but I would rank The Black Phone above Sinister.


Yeah, Sinister is better.
The Black Phone is more of a modern fairytale.


