MovieChat Forums > Mandy (2018) Discussion > Why this movie is average - spoilers

Why this movie is average - spoilers

Cage's character is tied up and the cult leader stabs him in the left side between the ribs very deeply. This would cause massive internal bleeding but the wound is never mentioned or tended to in any way.


I don’t see how one unrealistic scene makes a movie average. This thread is pretty random.


he should have bled to death.


Maybe but how does that make the movie average?


I think the movie was average for a bunch of reasons.


lol You made a post called "Why this movie is average" but aren't even going to explain the actual reasons?
Just one silly reason that doesn't in any way prove that the film is average...
This post is an abolute failure.


I haven't seen this movie, but what's the deal with all these 80s retro style movie posters all of a sudden?


The movie was set in 1983.


Sure, but does every movie and tv show set in or inspired by the 80s need a poster like this? Sorry for being OT, but it's just something I noticed in the trending section.


Because Guardian of the Galaxy


The 80's comeback predates Guardians of the Galaxy by quite a bit.


I agree that this completely ruins the movie.

Also, when Cage's character is communicating telepathically with The Chemist (who uses his own telepathy to find The Children of the Dawn), this could also be considered a plot-hole since telepathy doesn't exist.


I do hope this is not a serious comment?


I think it's supposed to be a Jesus thing. Religious allegories are generally facile.


Jesus died when he was stung in the side via lance. Cage didn't.

Or is this Quran Jesus?


I'm happy to give it a bit of leeway considering this film is not set on Earth, or at least not Earth in our reality/universe. Stuff might work differently is this world.


OMG it's a metaphor for being gay. Never heard the expression of being stabbed in the side and it did not bleed? It's code.


It's just kinda surreal and pretty. Trippy.

edit: I should perhaps state that I like trippy.
