a 9.1 rating



It'll go down as soon as people like me who've read the book are finished watching this


as someone who has not read the book or knows nothing about what this series is based on.....

Could you explain what you mean....Why dont you think people who read the book will like it and what is your opinion on the series?

I'm in No way trying to argue your comment, I'm just curious to know what the difference are?


So I finished the first season and it had nothing to do with the book and probably was a sequel to the book. Reading books creates images directly in your brain, which you can't easily forget. Movies on the other hand are very forgettable.


The high rating comes from the people who worked on the show.....Hence how they were all able to review the show before it was even released.
Unfortunately, it ain't that good.
The rating will drop.


Why must the frustrated outlier always pull these ridiculous theories out their arse? Why is it so difficult to just display a little maturity and just accept the world considers it good? Hah? Saw it. Loved every second of it. The nine rating is perfect if you ask me.


Accuracy is a non factor in accessing quality. Just the execution of its own goals. I know Kubrick's Shining is inaccurate to the book. And I don't care. Movie is still a well crafted work of art. If I read Shirley Jackson's book and its great, than it's another great story. This will still be the same show of the same quality.


a 9.1 rating


Just finished the series, for me it was incredible...

I rated it a 9.5/10

IMO I bet the score will settle around 8.7....I think this is going to be a really liked series and the score will remain high!


When does the show get "incredible"? lol
Because I although I am only up to episode 4......This show is shit so far.


for me it became incredible with Episode 3, IMO It was a fantastic Episode and Then every episode after starting with episode 3 each episode they start focusing the story on one main character and telling the story from Their POV...

This is when The series for me went from Good to Great....

If you've already past E3, and still dont like it, well Its probably safe to say, We simply do dont agree and Your just going to just a different opinion than me and wont like it

I was HOOKED by E3 and after E3 I was kinda blown away, If you on E4 and think its a shitshow, I think Its clear the show just isnt for you, which is fine...



I literally do not see how I could have gave a LESS Bullshit response..

I answered your question, Told you exactly when I thought the show got Incredible, Specifically NOted It was just my opinion and Then conceded that If You havent found the show good after E3 you probably wouldnt....

I truly have no clue how you could find that response anything but fair and honest....But Hey whatever floats your boat....

If you find this response is "Bullshit" as well.....Please just block me because theres no sense in you reading anymore of my messages if you cant comprehend them correctly...




Episode 5 was the turning point for me. The one where Hugh took the kids to the motel.


That was the turning point for me too. That's when the show went from good to great. And the ending of ep.5, whoa.


Well deserved rating!


You must have worked on the show. It is by far the worst show I have ever watched. The rating is a joke.


What are some tv series that you would give high marks to?


Off the top of my head...
Breaking Bad
Cobra Kai
American Horror Story
The Wire
The Walking Dead (First few seasons)
13 Reasons

I am sure there are plenty more.
The praise this show is getting is laughable.
I must be on a hidden camera show or something because this is clearly a joke lol.


You got some real turds on that list....breaking bad...cobra and the wire...are great...24...AHS and WALKING dead are all terribly shitty shows.


Not the biggest fan of The Walking Dead myself. But AHS is a good show.
In fact, it is absolutely masterful compared to this show lol.
This poorly made, poorly acted TV series doesn't compare to any of the shows I listed.
And the point is, this is the show that people are lying about....
This is the show with literally 100s of obvious fake reviews. I am not saying this simply because I didn't like the show and I can't comprehend the idea that people could like a show that I don't lol (As much as you'd like that to be the case) I am saying it because I genuinely believe it to be the case.
And although, I am not much of a Walking Dead fan.....I still respect people's opinions who like it.

Also, let us not forget Game of Thrones.


You think AHS is masterful in comparison to this? You've just completely discredited your opinion with that statement. AHS had 2 good seasons and that was it.

The Walking Dead is painfully boring and uneventful. Looking st your list, it seems that physchological and atmospheric horror isn't your thing, which is why this show isn't for you.

Personally, I think it's one of the best shows I've watched in years, it's genuinely creepy and terrifying.


This is a pretty slow show, its not for everyone. For me it was like one of those haunted house/possession scary movies but told really good and with all the characters getting a backstory. Which I loved because it made me actually interested in what happens to them. If you dont like those kind of movies to begin with then this one might not be for you.


I am also curious - what shows did you think were worthy of a high rating? I loved this series and gave it 10 out of 10. I'm about to watch it again with my daughter and looking forward to it.

If you were happy with the ending of Lost or loved No Country For Old Men, Mulholland Drive, Vanilla Sky or She's So Lovely, I do not value your opinion at all, just sayin.


"If you were happy with the ending of Lost or loved No Country For Old Men, Mulholland Drive, Vanilla Sky or She's So Lovely, I do not value your opinion at all, just sayin."

So, you don't value opinions you don't agree with? lol Pretty closed minded of you.
I like quite a lot of TV shows...

Breaking Bad
Cobra Kai
American Horror Story
The Wire
The Walking Dead (First few seasons)
13 Reasons

Just a few off the stop of my head but there are many more. I am not that hard to impress....
I even like a few lower rated shows but this show was a struggle to get through the first episode.
The scares are like something from Annabelle.

It's like watching a 10 hour version of Oculus.
The cinematography is the only good thing I can say about it.

I am curious....Which parts from this show exactly did you find scary or effective?

I started to watch season 3 of American Horror Story last night as I had never seen it....I finished the first 7 eps in one night and was in to the show within the first 5 minutes. The difference in quality is almost laughable.
Also the reviews are beyond a joke...

"The best 10 hours of my life" Yeah, that is the name of an actual review on IMDB.
"Up there with The Exorcist" Yes, another reviewer said this...
Fake reviews.
I am not saying anyone who enjoyed the show is lying but a large number of them clearly are.


I stopped watching AHS in the middle of season 3. Too disturbing for me.

I wouldn't say it was "the best 10 hours of my life" and I don't know if it was "up there with The Exorcist" because I have never seen that no do I want to see that one, but it definitely held my attention and made me jump - all I'm really looking for in a good, scary series.

Sorry, my tastes are not as sophisticated as yours.





Alright guys, break it up. I'll check this show out and let you know the REAL rating. Hold on a minute.


Emo ghost soap opera


Yeah, pretty much.


This a hundred times over.


Ghost opera - it’s a new genre!
