MovieChat Forums > Tenet (2020) Discussion > Tenet (2020) AKA the convoluted live act...

Tenet (2020) AKA the convoluted live action wankfest version of the superior video game Braid


-so this film is about SCIENCE
-and its like really clever too
-there's lots of complicated plots points
-carefully explained via characters explaining each part
-point by point
-to each other character
-usually in a cafe or in the middle of the street
-even on a public bus one time
-anyway so following the plot is manageable
-if you turn the volume up when they speak
-and then down immediately after when there's LOUD NOISES
-but the plot is retarded and everyone looks retarded walking around backwards
-and the dialogue is gay as fuck too
-it sounds like it was written by me when i was 16 and trying to sound smart
-like with robin pattersons character
-he flicks his hot sexy hair about
-and is all like "time is an inversion of particles flowing
through time itself."
-"our inverted selves cant alter our present non-inverted selves by influencing change in our past selves present time"
-"its what we call a quantum leap of logic and inverted suspension of disbelief"
-*looks at other character and smiles*
-"But thats fate"
-and at one point they tell the gigantic blonde girl that everyone thats ever been born will die
-and she's like "but does that also includes my son?!"
-just so the audience understands her motivation in all this
-cos the cessation of all human life ever and the inversion of time and the world itself is not motivation enough to get up off your arse
-sums up all women ever tbh


I watched it twice but was still confused ! , So I endured a YouTube video that explains the whole movie , and wow !!!,,,it's complicated ,,,I'm ashamed to say , even after it being explained in detail , I'm still confused


That's ok Bluebook! I think it's the Director's job to make the plot understandable. Tenet is unnecessarily complicated, even with the frequent exposition.

Having 10 things on your dinner plate may be nice in theory but usually would benefit by halving the amount and making the the remaining parts better quality.

There's a formulaic aspect to Nolan's character's and arcs that sligtly bores me sometimes. The blonde girl in particular, she seemed in no real danger of dying or not having a good ending despite the film trying to establish the contrary.

Dunkirk was much better! Though I had that film spoiled for me in history class!

That's just a joke Bluebook!

*laughs and wipes tear from eye"


Phew !, I was bracing myself for jokes about my IQ !!,,, Overly complicated for sure and your post nailed it !! Good job


just watched it and it was the exact bullshit i expected from nolan. worst director ever for sure.
and the main cast was such an ugly N


Good point. They should have made the "Braid" movie instead. I forgot about that game. Thanks for the reminder!


No worries janoss! A great little game, quite difficult from what I remember.
