MovieChat Forums > Tenet (2020) Discussion > No mask at Cinemark

No mask at Cinemark
Cinemark Won't Require Face Masks When Reopening Movie Theaters


...what could possibly go wrong?


Who knows? The most likely one is that a bunch a blacks will appear to burn the movie theater.


Do you really feel "safe" with masks? In Switzerland the government suggested people to dont wear it,because they serve to the doctors in the hospitals,and because they give a false sense of "security" when they are actually useless. Also,the virus is over,all the virologist are saying that.


Lol wow


Also,the virus is over

How's that working out for you?


how else if concessions are involved? they're going to want that revenue.

they could have partitions between separated seats and have people wear masks in and out but not when seated.


I think the seat spacing for people not together will make a no reason to have a mask. Most likely Tenet will be the only movie shown with starting at about 30 minute times between each room so only each room will be about 1/4 full.


I'm not worried personally. I always to the movies on a weekday anyways. There's maybe 5-10 people max in the theatre at that time.

Very low chance of transmission, plus less texters and annoying people.


I see no problem here...
[So says the careless and the delusional, unhinged and cultist maga chud base]

They seem to be taking the right steps except for this one “minor” thing. Hopefully the other big theater chains do better when it comes to this. Either way, movie going sure isn’t going to be what it was until, well, who knows when. Looking forward to Tenet still.


Texas schools reopen in August. The terachers union is against it as they are liberal and want to help the democrats ruin the economy though.


And this is why we’re here. Smh.

Nah, I‘m certain the reason is the teachers union is guilty of believing in science (duh), caring about the public’s health & safety, and overall taking the word of the real experts over the word of pathological lying demagogues and rebubliklan religious cooks and crooks (unlike many in deep red Texas). But hey, good ol’ Florida, as red as it gets, once said (still says like virtually everyone in red states do) the same thing as many in Texas did... You know, that COVID was a dem and lib hoax and that implementing these safety measures was a way for the dems to take their ‘Murican freedom away (and yes, also to destroy the economy). XD And now look at what’s super unsurprisingly (to anyone who’s actually taken this seriously and is definitely not a conspiratorial reich winger) happening to Florida? It looks like there is a strong chance it’ll become the new COVID-19 epicenter.

But you do you, red Texans. It’s not like your state isn’t at risk of continued widespread transmission based on the real facts. You scream FaKe NeWs... and karma comes a knockin’


How stupid can you possibly be?


Wow wow!


Thats great. Masks are useless and dangerous.




They say the same thing about BigMom.
