The ending was confusing

Movies either leave you satisfied or on a cliff hanger waiting for more. This movie didn't settle in my mind of what was happening at the end. I don't think the director was looking for this kind of response. If anybody could explain the last 10 mins to me like i'm 5...that would be great.


Short answer: He makes a comment about "I've given you back your sister" or something similar. I guess in so doing he redeems himself for the loss of his own sister for which he still feels guilt even though it wasn't his fault. His mission on earth done, he falls down dead (as Tyler) and his soul is free to go towards the light in the cheesy CGI gateway to heaven.

The story was a mess TBH. He spends the movie body hopping as he trys to make things right, but it was hard to be sympathetic when it was his self-centred affair that created the crisis in the first place. He makes things worse along the way, essentially getting his pals killed and nearly killing one of the sisters.

It's not surprising to me that it only scores a 4.8 on IMDB.

I was only half-paying attention as it was playing in the background while I did other things. So, my interpretation might be half-baked...


I think it's just open ended. Maybe his mind hijacked another person or since he brought back the one girl he was able to die.

I was also thinking that he was actually his sister since the therapist tells him to stop pretending he is his sister. So I assume that the sister is the one with the actual ability to overtake people's minds. Not that it really matters for the story I guess.
