"Nobody was to blame"

His father says that to his son about his youngest son's death. Err yeah, you were to blame. You stupidly walked on ahead and let your youngest trail at the back, thereby not being able to keep an eye on him. As a parent you wouldn't even do that in a park on a normal day but these guys did it in an environment with human-killing monsters about where silence is imperative.

Most irresponsible parents ever. It's amazing they even survived so long.


Also they apparently thought having a baby was a good idea.


Or they got pregnant by mistake.


Either way they are stupid.


How do you have an abortion when there are no hospitals and no clinics (assuming you can't find RU-486 at your local pharmacy)?


yah this movie was full of BS.

but the obvious shock-introduction was the worst. NOBODY walks ahead of their damn kids..
