Days of Future Past?


At the end of Days of Future Past, we see that Charles is still heading the school in the 2020s, Jean is a part of the school staff and Wolverine is a profesor.

Is that still suppose to happen? At the end of Dark Phoenix, Charles is no longer at the school and Magneto is offering him a new home. Then we see Jean still wondering through space.

How are these things going to reconcile with Days of Future Past?


Who knows. That series of movies is so disjointed it’s hard to know what’s what. Seems continuity took a back seat to story.


Wow, I can't believe the writers screwed it up so bad


The timeline and continuity has always been messy and not made any sense. Just pretend Days Of Future Past is the franchise end for FoX-Men, Logan exists in it's own bleak universe and Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix are just not even worth acknowledging.

Can't believe we went from the quality of First Class and Days of Future Past with this cast to these last two movies that are just utterly terrible.


The X-Men movies haven't cared about continuity since Origins. It's best not to ask.


They make these movies based on a writer's or director's whim. They don't have board meetings to reconcile any of it. So whenever the continuity of one relies on the continuity of another they will almost certainly find a way to screw it up.


DOFP took place in the same universe where Cap lived a happy life with Peggy, whereas Dark Phoenix didn't.
