The real issue here

I remember seeing the Dark Phoenix saga on the X-men cartoons, and read about Jean Grey's ongoing problem with her super-powerful side from wikipedia. The real issue with the Dark Phoenix saga is the fact that basically, Jean Grey turns into an almost unstoppable, dangerous entity that can't truly be killed, and she hogs the spotlight, drowning out all the other characters as they struggle to deal with her.

I've never enjoyed that particular version of Jean Grey. She eventually falls into the "too dangerous to live" category, and makes fans and friends mourn because she was a lovable, strong character and a force for good. But once her phoenix side comes out, she becomes something else entirely.

It is partially Professor X's fault for not allowing her to learn to harness this side of herself early on (at least, according to the movies).


My issue is I would rather have seen the Good Phoenix than the Dark one.


Super-Powerful is always boring it seems to me

(But good phoenix even much more so)


I completely disagree with you. I liked Emperor Deken as the antagonist of the 90s cartoon's adaptation of it.


Interestingly, Jean never actually turns to the dark side in this movie.


The real issue is that new Jean had no character development this whole time, including this movie, so watching her succumb to becoming a weapon of mass destruction has no meaningful impact or sense of tragedy whatsoever.




Thank you very much, I knew there was something I was missing in what was wrong with the entire "Dark Phoenix" saga, and it was that. It's hard to empathize with a character at all in a movie or a tv show if there is no character development, giving us a reason to care.
