Too Dark...

...and hopeless. Maybe wid a mo charismumatic lead it wud work but leavin the theater, I felt empty as in empty pocketz as in I just wasted $20 bux.

2/10 for me but they also call me mr generous.


pretty sure this is just a troll thread, but if not....

I completely disagree with "Maybe wid a mo charismumatic lead it wud work"

let me first say, I'm not a fan of Logan Marshall Green...I have not liked him in Literally anything hes done....

when I saw the Trailers for this film, I was completely letdown he was the Lead and it somewhat killed my excitement/hype for the film....


after watching the film, He straight Blew me away....IMO He was absolutely fantastic in this film and truly made the FILM BETTER....

going forward I imagine I'll continue hating him, But I'm not biased and give him his due here...I think He NAILED this role and casting another actor in the lead would have resulted in A LESSER film....


It’s not. U have my werd dis is official series dred.

I respectfumully disagree bec if they cast Chris Bale who played similar role in Machinist, dis wud be watchable.


It’s not. U have my werd dis is official series dred.

I respectfumully disagree bec if they cast Chris Bale who played similar role in Machinist, dis wud be watchable.


I Love The Machinist....Its fantastic....

But I Must say I think you just have an opinion that just isnt shared by the Majority....which is fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinions...

But If you look at the facts and all data, It Overwhelmingly states The Majority liked to Loved this film and There does not seem to be any complaints about Logan....

Excellent reviews, Great Audience scores and Great Ratings on all Major sites Proves The film Universally Liked by the overwhelmingly Majority....that is the "Word"

as for a sequel or series....Its certainly possible, it was made on an extremely TINY budget, given its box office results, sales from Home media and TV revenue, The film is certainly going to make a pretty good Profit....and most importantly given the Universal acclaim the film has received across the board, that certainly could prove big for a sequel...

But IMO the biggest reason this film MAY not receive a sequel is ......A Think It was almost too Good....I think Leigh Whannell is going to be in High Demand after this film and Get offers for bigger films after this.....

bottom line...You didnt like the film or Logan.....thats perfectly fine......but all facts and evidence say The Overwhelming Majority did....unfortunately your just in a very small minority who didnt like the film ...


In da 1940s, MAJORITY of Germanz also thunk it wuz proper 2 mass genocide Jewz and follow Hitler

Majority nuttin unless u thunk Holocaust wuz justimufied


ok so the facts state about 85% of the people that saw this film liked it and thought it was good....

since it made roughly 13 Million at the box office, thats quite a few people....

so your basically saying, Those 85%, Those Hundreds of thousands of people are all wrong, they all watched this movie, came away thinking it was good, But NOPE....You think its awful....So your Opinion TRUMPS ALL and means The Majority is ALL WRONG....


The flaw in your argument is, Movies are judged on the Majority Consensus, that doesnt mean you have to agree....It just means There is a consensus....

if you are making the argument That The Majority consensus doesnt matter and is wrong...there is no way to judge a film

just except it....The Majority consensus is, Most people liked Upgrade.....I'm not saying you have to agree(I dislike plenty of films that are considered great) but I except that my opinion is in the MINORITY....

I didnt start claiming EVERYONE who likes the film is wrong and I'm right about it being awful

You dont like Upgrade....thats fine,But the overwhelming majority do....just except it, you dont need to try to come up with ways why Everyone else is wrong and your right.....You have your opinion, its different than the Majority, thats fine,


In 1800s, MAJORITY of colonistz thunk it wuz legit 4 them 2 slaughter ze native Americans 4 their land.

Ze question I ask u is do u agree dis is legit since MAJORITY sez so?

In same era, MAJORITY of Americanz thunk ‘tis otay 2 enslave blk ppl.

I ask u, do u still agree wid MAJORITY?

It not so much if MAJORITY is correct or I am but I cud give ratz arse bout wat status quo thunk it


no your missing the point....

I'm not saying you have to agree or disagree, I'm not even saying that The Majority consensus is right...

all I'm saying is that there is a Majority Consensus...and that Consensus is, Upgrade is very well liked....

Your Opinion, falls into a very small minority....It doesnt make it right or wrong...

Its just the facts are, nearly 85% who watched thought they saw a good movie....Your in The small minority of 15% that didnt...

actually I would say your an even smaller minority because I cant imagine even 1% hated the film as much as rated it a 2/10

that level of hate and dislike would fall in an extremely small basically non existent minority...

again 85% liked it....15% didnt....

but most of those 15% probably thought it was average, below average or bad....most probably rated it 5 or 6....

Your rating of 2 suggests you watched this film and can away thinking you watched a terrible, AWFUL FILM...simply put, I can not imagine even 1% having that opinion....

so the facts are, You either are a genius and are smarter than Literally everyone else that saw this film and due to your supreme smarts somehow you understand this film on a level everyone else cant and dont comprehend and therefor you ALONE are right to have the opinion its AWFUL and worthy of a 2 rating

Or Maybe Just Maybe everyone else Might be right about it being good and you for whatever reason Just dont like it....


It was a solid AI movie. Well worth the watch.


you sound like an inbred.


U r 1


Yeah it's dark, but it's from Blumhouse, a horror movie studio. I'm actually glad to see them branching out into other genres without bloating their budgets.


this is a very well produced low budget movie


Indeed it is. Low-budget horror is a lot easier than sci-fi, but they pulled it off pretty well.


How about this to further the dark implications of the ending... Spec will almost certainly go on to kill Grey's mother who knows too much & is a risk to exposing the AI.




Well shit man, did you really need to say it? Imagine her opening up the door to the face of her son only to have Stem pick her up with his pinky and snap her neck without any explanation why. Fucking downer as hell.


I love endings like this. Midnight Meat Train, Dread, Saw, Ex Machina, Alien Covenant, just dark, nihilistic, hopelessness. Puts you in a fucked up depressing as shit mood for a week. I was too happy because my life was back on track. I needed a downer ending like this to wake me up and remind me the world sucks and everything is evil.


U 4got Howard da Duck. His guitar solo wid Beverly makez me hate life.



For $1.75 at RedBox am very pleased! This was a pleasant surprise for a B movie, though would have liked a little more extended ending than what was so reminiscent of Inception & Blade Runner.


everything can't be a Marvel superhero comedy
