Rank the Terminator Saga

1. Terminator 2
2. Terminator
3. Genesys.
4. Dark Fate
5. Terminator 3
6. Salvation


Terminator 2 - One of the best action movies of all time and a leveling up from the first film.

Terminator - Definitely one of the best independent, low-budget sci-fi movies ever made. An enjoyable movie and very original for its time in terms of story. Did a lot to push Arnold into the public consciousness.

Salvation - An underrated film that deserves more respect, as does McG for making it. It's not on the level of the first two, but if judged on its own merits then it's a pretty good post-apocalyptic sci-fi actioner. It at least gives us a new kind of story in the Terminator series, and it does it without falling into the trap of feeling like a big CGI mess.

T3 - An overall mediocre and generic-feeling sci-fi action film but not without its charms. I never find it totally satisfying, but I still find myself going back to it every so often. I think it would've been better if they had done a better job of casting John Connor. Nick Stahl is not an untalented performer, but he was not right for this role.

Genisys - I'd need to rewatch it to get into specifics, but I remember it just being a mess. Confusing story, CGI overload.

Dark Fate - Less of a movie and more of a political tract in the form of a film. But even if just judged as a movie, it's not very good. It's much like a T2 remake, but done in a way where everything is done poorly and sucks in comparison to the first time around.


I have not seen Dark Fate yet...but I agree with Prime:

1. Terminator 2
2. Terminator
3. Terminator Salvation
4. Terminator 3
5. Terminator Genisys

...the last movie I saw in theaters was Genisys. I remember walking out and thinking it was a pretty good film. I went in with the lowest of low expectations after reading endlessly the entertaining message boards on IMDB and reviews. So that might have played a factor.

Regardless after a few days, I forgot pretty much everything about it.


I have also forgotten just about everything from Genisys. I literally could not tell you anything about the story. The memory of that film has completely evaporated from my mind.

I remember thinking it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't exactly good either. Too much CGI, Jai Courtney had no business being there, and like T3 the tone was off.

One reason T1 and T2 work so well is because of its serious, hard-edged tone, and because the visual filmmaking is there to support that tone.


1. The Terminator
2. Everything Else
