MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > which Terminators have you seen in the c...

which Terminators have you seen in the cinema

Me - 23456

saw T2 back in summer 91. it really doesn't seem too long ago. yet it really is. it was such an event - like Jurassic Park two years later or Batman in 89 (like the batlogo poster the T2 metallic logo and the Arnold bike poster was everywhere) . it seemed a much bigger deal than stuff like all the MCU movies of today even Endgame (which sort of have the feel of being rolled off a conveyor belt). people were DYING to see T2 as it had been SO long in coming and in that time Arnie had become the biggest movie star on the planet and Cameron had also done Aliens (which was another instant classic next to T1). might be hard to believe now but EVERY guy wanted to be Arnie and were hitting the gym and getting the spike hairdo! it was the biggest sequel of all time for quite a time (maybe the Pirates sequels, and several of the superhero sequels have since taken its title).

it was such a happy time - it was the first '15' id ever seen at the cinema (got in although wasn't yet 15) and the F bombs and hard core violence shocked me even though id already seen the 18 rated T1 on vhs a couple years ago, and although it was more of a huge action film than the horror film original (similar to Alien/Aliens) it still felt really scary and violent and the T1000 was extremely frightening - as much as Arnie was in T1. the idea of an unstoppable liquid metal shape shifter closing in on you and impaling you was terrifying (I remember having several nightmares after seeing the movies) Also the way the movie showed the nuclear war was like nothing anyone had seen before, the FX depicting it were horrific. (In fact at the time I think it became something of a deterrent in the media/politics).

Remember buying a load of T2 stuff - official Starlog movie magazine(think I first learned about T2 when saw this mag in the local comic store. can vaguely remember thinking whats 'T2'? not realising it was 'Terminator 2' then I was like 'oh wow theres a sequel coming out?!' cos i was just getting into all the R rated SF stuff like Terminator/Alien/Predator/Robocop etc and then got it before saw the film which wasnt out in uk until August so must've had everything spoiled as there was a photostory in the magazine. maybe at that point i figured it would be an 18 like T1 was and Total Recall the previous summer which wanted to see but couldn't (I can remember I saw the TotalRecall starlog magazine in the comic store and flicking through thinking it all looked cool) so prob thought wouldnt be able to see T2 either so fuck it i'll read the magazine. remember being fascinated by images of the damaged T1000 wondering what the heck it was and I remember i didn't quite understand that Arnie wasnt the bad guy (it looked as though he was playing 2 terminators from the magazine) - which everyone knew about from the trailers anyway but I hadn't seen), then after had seen the film also got the Marvel comic adaptation (in 3 comics or the delux trade pb- I started off with #1 of the comic then realised it was better to get the trade pb), the novel (& the T1 novel was out at same time by same author. Although there already was a T1 novel by a different author from '84), the making of book (where Cameron talked about things like the original idea for T1 was the shapeshifter but the FX tech wasn't there, and that the original T2 idea was Arnold vs Arnold - as seen in TGEN I guess), the big photoscreenplay book (like a big photonovel like they used to do with StarTrek - both the novel and screenplay book showed the end of war/time chamber scenes that wed finally see in TGEN). Even got a pack of T2 bubblegum cards with a stick of hard pink gum. there was even a range of toys! (yes R rated movies like T2, Aliens, Rambo got kids toys!) but I drew the line at buying T2 toys.

And then later that year you had the equally awesome Star Trek VI with the T2 FX for the floating zero G blood and Imans T1000 like shapeshifter. it was really the first movie to use that type of morph FX after T2 (abit like the bullet time stuff everyone was using after The Matrix) and they also developed an incredible CG explosion in the opening that just about every SF film has used since. its crazy to think that next time StarTrek & Terminator would cross paths the same year (2009) that Trek would totally blow Terminator out of the stars at the box office and with the critics!

and on a similar note who wouldve ever thought back at the time of T2 that a decade later thered be a Cameronless T3 that was like a redo of T2 instead of the 2029 future war? or a future war film that was more preoccupied with being MadMax vs Transformers than the 2029 future war? or a pg13 timetravel reboot that everyone kind of lol'd at, and even a belated direct sequel to T2 with Arnold, Linda and Cameron (sorta) that would be met with even greater disdain and indifference?! (and which bombed at the box office)


TErminator 3, Salvation, Genisys, Dark Fate


updated OP with detailed T2 memories!


Saw ‘Judgement Day’ for the first time on VHS when I was a kid. Saw ‘Dark Fate’ at the cinema.


T2, T3 and Genysis


I saw T1 in in my late teens with my girlfriend at the cinema on a day in November 1984. It was at a 2nd-Run $1 theater that picked it up after the summer release had ended. We went to the Sunday afternoon matinee on a cold overcast windy day. It was one of those large old theaters that they used to build in the 1960s. We were kidding with each other in the mostly empty parking lot about seeing a 'Schwarzenegger' film.

He was a bit of a joke back then as far as movies were concerned, what with being a world champion muscle-head with gapped-teeth and thick accent, and was only known for his fantasy Conan movie type-casting. Don't get me wrong, everybody loved him for what he had accomplished as the embodiment of the American Dream, but thought his transition into acting was silly.

I remember there were about 10 people in a theater that probably seated 400. However, when the opening scene hit before the credits, she and I quit laughing. Sure, the early effects weren't nearly as good as Star Wars: ESB, but when the H-K Tanks were rolling over a field of skulls we both knew this was something different. When the opening text mentioned the battle would be fought tonight, we were both silent.

Then the opening credits rolled, and the music grabbed us both - everything was so raw, dark, and the plot was a total unknown. There was no internet back then, it was a low budget film so there wasn't much press, if any. We hadn't seen any trailers. The movie was a complete mystery to us. From the very beginning to the end, we snuggled together and took it all in. Even with its imperfections, the movie was perfect.

Each person carries a few nice memories with them as they age, and that afternoon at the theater was unlike any movie experience I have ever had, before or since. We both left the film asking each other, 'What did we just see?'. From that day forward, Arnold was always known as 'The Terminator' in everyone's mind. That movie made him.

Oh well, here's to a wonderful memory of a day almost 40 years ago, and the film that for me no other Terminator (or other film) has ever matched.


Nice memories, don't often hear from people who caught T1 at cinema . Can imagine peoples perception of Arnold back then almost like if Lou Ferrigno was breaking into movies (the cast and Cameron have since stated their apprehension in all the various interviews .. in fact just saw one other day of Linda and Arnold promoting DF on Graham Norton and she said she wasn't keen on even doing T1 due to Arnold being in it lol).. but obviously Conan 1 was a big movie and a hit and was a great film,

But T1 is one of those movies that just seemingly come from nowhere to totally redefine/restyle the genre like Alien/Blade Runner, Road Warrior, Halloween, Star Wars, The Matrix etc


Lou Ferrigno is an excellent comparison. He was very popular on TV as The Hulk with Bill Bixby, it was total family friendly entertainment, and his story of having overcome deafness to succeed in multiple areas of life was inspirational. Lou was very popular with preteen kids in the late 70s, including myself.

I recall back then that a friend of mine had seen Conan and really enjoyed it - but fantasy was never my thing so I skipped it. I remember the perception of Arnold back then was that the Conan character would be as far as he could take the acting thing. How wrong they were, and what a life he has had.

With the changes to Sarah's character in T2, while I understand them, T2 just sort of lost me. She was so adorkable in T1. She showed such range with her growth into 'reluctant heroine', that she seemed to become one dimensional in T2. I just couldn't connect to her character any longer.

There were other things that lost me in T2, in that, T2 was very very 'woke' for its time, and with that I was done - but, I'm not here to pick it apart. For me, there was just one Terminator movie. T1 became a memory for a lifetime, and that memory is more than enough.


Who else


The first one I saw was The Terminator on TV (it was CBS I believe) in 1987 when I was 12. I'd already heard about the movie from my 22-year-old neighbor Bill, who had a VCR, but insisted on asking my mother if it was okay for me to watch it, and of course, she said no when he told her it was rated R. After being denied my chance to watch it at my neighbor's house on VHS I wanted to see it wicked bad, and was excited when I found out it was going to air on TV. I didn't care that it would be censored.

I thought it was an awesome movie, and I especially liked how it made me think about the time travel paradox long after the movie was over. In 1988 we got a VCR and my friends and I rented it a bunch of times (when Mom wasn't home).

I still vividly remember the first time I saw the trailer for T2 on TV in 1991; it was the one that showed Terminators being built in a factory on an assembly line - I'd been hoping for a Terminator sequel since I saw the first one, but I had no idea that there were any plans to actually make one. I immediately called my best friend Corey to tell him about it and we vowed to see it in the theater no matter what.

Dad, Corey, and I went to see it in the theater on opening day at the theater next to the Bangor Mall (Bangor, Maine). I'd recently gotten my driver's permit, so it was the first time I'd ever driven to Bangor too.

At the time I was impressed overall, but I found Hamilton's, and especially Furlong's, characters to be highly annoying, and I was annoyed by the Terminator turning into Mr. Sensitivity. Also, I was hoping to see that Terminator factory scene that was in the trailer, so I was disappointed that that wasn't in there. I never for a moment considered it to be better than the first movie, nor even as good as the first movie.

Over time, and with repeat viewings, the problems with T2 overshadowed my initial enthusiasm and I no longer consider it to be a good movie. T1 is still one of my all-time favorite movies though.

I also saw Salvation (it was okay) and Gensys (better than Salvation) in the theater. Genisys was one of the last movies I watched in the theater, because not long after seeing it I got an HD projector and a 100" screen (I view it from 10 feet away) and it feels like a theater in my living room. Plus I can watch any movie I want to, can pause it whenever I want to, and I don't have to deal with idiots talking or staring at their brightly-lit phones. I've had exactly zero interest in going to the theater since I got that projector.


I've seen all but Dark Fate in the theater.

I was just 11 when Terminator came out - I remember it being the first sex scene I saw in theaters. I thought it was gonna be another shoot em up, but it really blew my little self away. After that I joined the Arnold bandwagon. He made a movie and I saw it in the theater.

T2 was a whole other level. I was 18, the special effects was so fresh, the action so bonkers, the script was fantastic... if you were around then you would remember it being the biggest movie of the year. It was Arnold at his all-time peak.

I liked T3. It was a clear money grab but it had some great action and it might be my favorite movie ending of all time.

I didn't like Salvation and I was really excited for it - I felt it was a missed opportunity. I was expecting more of the battles I saw in flashbacks from T1 and T2. The whole Marcus terminator thing was so unnecessary. It should have been John Conner leading a revolt against the machines. Period.

I gave Genysis or whatever it is a chance because I recalled Cameron approving it. It was so horrifically bad I almost walked out. When Dark Fate came out I heard Cameron was approving it again I didn't bite twice. I just watched it now and it's a huge turkey.

To me, this was a trilogy that had the perfect ending in the bunker when the nukes were flying and John acknowledging his fate.
