So fun to see the dejection ....

All those moron liberals who are so utterly defeated and crushed. hahahah
Creampuff snowflakes!




Not all of them...I am a Bernie supporter but kindof thought Trump would win despite the nonsensical media's attempts to make it seem like Hillary had it in the bag. Anyway, the guy won with one of the lowest totals in modern presidential history at only 48% of the vote...not even a majority..and he STILL got LESS VOTES THAN HILARY. Thats pretty bad.

and he has the lowest approval rating of ANY PRESIDENT ON INAUGURATION DAY IN HISTORY AND IT HAS SINCE GONE EVEN LOWER IN HIS FIRST FEW WEEKS. its PATHETIC. Guy is even worse than I thought he would be as I didn't mind him over Hilary...he has actually been a disaster and I doubt he even makes it through 3 years without getting impeached. Moron republicans elected one of the biggest idiots in our countries history. that is hard to do after GW Bush lol...


Typical dumb sht millineal. All you could do is quote failed polls by failed fake news organizations. You couldn't list a single thing that Trump has done wrong.


