What I learned from this movie:

#1. Hiding in a shed during a snowstorm with a comet overhead makes you time travel 71yrs into the future.#2.Same shed and comet makes you time travel 71yrs into the past.#3.The shed hasn`t changed or been torn down in 71 yrs?#4.Tom Skeritt must have been desperate for a role to appear in this disaster.#5.Candace Cameron Boring can`t act how she even get a job on Full House?.#6.Poor Jake really wanted the airhead Hanna but due to pressures from the family he had to settle with annoying Sarah,there should have been a look alike hanna at the end for Jake to tell his family see ya.#7.Hallmark is out of ideas so they are accepting mediocre scripts to pass of as family friendly films.


I like how you think??
