Loved it.

My wife wanted to see this, so I went in having no clue what it was about. Thought it was both fun and funny.

The only flaw to me was the villain. He came off as over-acting to me.

I'm wondering if the security guard role was originally written for Kevin Hart. It seemed like the guy was doing a Hart impression.


yeah, was just a good time movie. and covered the gaming world, and tech, pretty well - aside from the coding logic flaws of how they dealt with everything, but it IS fiction.


Yeah, I loved this movie.
I kept waiting for Kevin Hart to replace buddy as a "swapped skin"


It was pretty good.

I was disappointed my last out to the theater with Jungle Cruise so it was nice to go this time and see a surprisingly strong movie. Free Guy is well-made and quite creative. Hopefully all involved will be rewarded by the film turning a profit.


I really enjoyed it too, especially the first hour and the "cameos" at the end (one was a real cameo, the other two were equipment).

Fair point about the overacting villain; and yeah, the guard was very Kevin Hart-like!


Enjoyed it, agreed with Dr.Red,too..lov ed Jodie Comer in this...wasn't aware her husband'd been outed as GOP, or that Jodie is British.Englisg., BTW Anyone remember the hit Jim Carrey movie THE TRUMAN SHOW..some important tropes based off of it!


People are ridiculous. What is the relevance of the guy being a republican?

Jesus, some people actually wanted Jodie Comer "cancelled" just because she was dating a republican.
America, what else.


Outed as GOP? What does that have to do with anything? You probably think they should wear Scarlett Letters or have tattoos on their arms so you can tell them apart next time.


Not by me!LOLLOL


I knew I'd seen her before, but I had look her up on IMDB when I got home.

I'd recognized her from Killing Eve. Totally different character in that.


I liked it - didn't love it. One of those films that the trailers either gave too much away or used all the best bits, so it didn't quite live up to expectations. It's possible I'll enjoy it a little bit more on a second viewing.
I thought I was watching Kevin Hart. Not that I would have remembered his name but thought of him as the guy who plays those roles that I saw before in watchyamacallit. I was a little surprised when a name I didn't recognise at all cropped up at the end.
I was also a little bit distracted by Camille Kostek whenever she was in the shot. It's a bit immature and possibly boorish of me but all I can say is - wow!
