Just wanted to say that this film made a huge impact on me and I will share it with as many people as I can. It really brought it all together for me, shedding light on the truth when it comes to the root of all corruption in this world. BRAVO!


Awesome movie very well done..So much truth in it and very entertaining 10/10 if you ask me loved it


This was a amazing movie filled with so much truth and opening the eyes of what is going on in this world...Very well done and entertaining and at the same time giving you truth 10/10 awesome movie two thumbs up


This documentary just confirmed what I have come to believe over the years. Science is nothing but theory and a religion. The truth always comes out and you did a very good job of bringing this out! It should be shared all over the world to open eyes to the truth of the lies that we have been told and backed up by the Bible. Thank you for being brave enough to put this out!
