I have a question

Christmas is mentioned on the show. Does Scientology--a religion as defined--mention Christmas? Does it consider itself Christian? Or do people practice other religions in concert with Scientology? Or are scientologists supposed to spurn other religions?


Any denomination is accepted in Scientology. It doesn't really make sense because CoS is supposed to be a religion, but this is eve reality


Does it consider itself Christian?

Based upon what I've seen so far, CoS replaces God with man, so it has nothing to do with Christianity.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


When you first join, Scientology will tell you that it is compatible with all religions. Slowly but surely the brainwashing process will have you exclusively praying to Hubbard.


That seems to make sense. But do they actually encourage people to pray to Hubbard?


The giant Hubbard portraits you see in all of their videos with people saluting and bowing sure makes it seem that way.

"In your opinion?"
"Um, yes your honor, in my opinion."


Scientology wasn't started as a religion. It took on that designation when its execs realized the tax benefits it would gain. The IRS has been investigating the cult but apparently hasn't made anything stick. God is not in the cult's dogma in any fashion. It teaches its members (who reach the higher levels; those who don't aren't aware of this) to believe in an alien being but they do not pray to it. They believe that the people who go clear may one day meet it in a later life, and that it will reveal the purpose of humanity and existence. No religion here.
