Leah Remini's nails

I'm not trying to make light of her campaign, I think the "church" deserves all the criticism it gets and much more, but did anyone else think that her nails looked very sharp?
It was like she had them filed into points like talons.


That's the style that's "in" now.


That's a weird fashion trend. But I guess it could help some women defend themselves.
It looks like she could take someone's eye out with those things. :)


I tired that back a couple years ago when it was first coming into trend; my nails were my natural nails, and she not as long, and I had a hard time with them that pointy. Plus, I couldn't take myself seriously with nails that shape, was just too odd. But, homegirl has the attitude to pull it off, imo.


I thought it had come and gone.


They look awful. Trend or not. She is beautiful and has money and should look a tad more classy.


Maybe to poke out the eyes of Tom Cruise or John Travolta or any other of those freaks who might wish to harm her!


Didn't notice her nails so much as Mike Rinder's ever changing accent. Sometimes he sounded British, sometimes New Yorker, etc.

Better to die sooner than late, for die we must. -Lord Denethor


Ever since I saw that HBO documentary I've been trying to figure out his accent. Sometimes it sounds like he has a speech impediment, others just an accent.


He's an Aussie who's spent so much time in the U.S. that his original accent has become diluted. It's not that hard to understand; it happens to lots of people who change location.

I'd like to be a pessimist, but this is a luxury I cannot afford.—Joseph of Cordoba


They're press on nails. Acrylic. I don't think they're stylish. However, I respect Leah and anyone's sense of style. Some people like bold metallic prints. That's fine. Just not for me.

A person hates you because they either wanna be you, see you as a threat, or hate themself


her nails are so hot...she can put them anywhere she wants. hopefully below the mendoza line.


A couple of people I work with have those long horrible-looking nails. They look like something from the 80s to me.


Shes such a good looking woman... and those nails are so distracting... weird.

