MovieChat Forums > Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath (2016) Discussion > We need the head of Scientology to write...

We need the head of Scientology to write new books.

He would make a wad of cash.

Given the Prostant terror spree Americans face on a daily basis, we I think he would make a killing in strictly monetary terms if he wrote a book on worship of L Ron Hubbard based on the ten commandments.

He should post the ten commandments and then an explanation for if one falls at least try to uphold another and that way there will be containment and at least some understanding. So for example if a genetically homosexual man justified his homosexuality in that he wanted an understanding of how to use it to help prevent adultery, that would set a limit on homosexuality based on the ten commandments thinking because he had to tie the issue into upholding another commandment, and that is the commandment that draws a line to explain this issue.

So if you break one, try to uphold another to gain self control and understanding.

With all these Protestant churches around, Protestants need examples of how to explain former reading materials (for example explanations of parts of Dianetics within the ten commandments) with ten commandments based thinking.

So then someone may feel more comfortable going to L Ron with ties to the 10 commandments or it would set a precedent for the current leader.

Or is this reading material available?

He needs to put it for sale so that we can buy it at a bookstore. Let it go from there. They might even need to create a division to prevent a take over (but then why couldn't the initial church set up a division for those people if they were so potentially numerous). But the first step is a book and it's a lot of money so if no then why... or even if he's not much of a writer and could only write one book or pamphlet every 7 years, I would want that to be one of his seven year projects, or get the right person with the right genetics to convey it for the masses.

We need to save America from this misinformation such as all the Protestants, Catholics and Hindus and Buddhists and Scientologists and non muslims and jews that are not familiar with how to apply the ten commandments. If someone doesn't want to be a masonic Jew through Catholicism like Jesus, they need to learn how to do it with any religion so America is begging for a best seller explaining these principles and quite frankly it could come from anybody but honestly the Church of Scientology needs to step up for official information on this one... because the misinformation the United States is drowning in is suffering us as a people and I think an understanding of the ten commandments, which is not for me directly but I respect it too, will help save the rest of us to help us stave off this domestic misinformation terror invasion.

Please, sir, head of Scientology, please give us some official information in some form, even in the Prologue and then get your cut from that if it helps it turn over more quickly...


No, what "we" need is for the head of Scientology to get bent. No one needs to hear another public word from that PoS, ever.

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"


I'll say this a million times.

The real bad religion is Protestantism because the Holy Bible is designed to be confusing so you will to turn to a highly organized central figure to understand points, and then with time, from a point of entry on an issue with saints, and a community, people will understand stuff.

Here is an example. Most religions say think with a pure heart. There are verses in the bible where in a specific context for a specific reason and purpose Jesus has stated that the hearts of men may hide malicious intentions, or something like that.... If that's off in nuanced verbiage, it won't matter to illustrate that point.

But questions like this make the bible more confusing than the average religious book when it goes to which way is the right way to go, and that creates a system where a lot of information for a long time period can be conveyed to explain these biblical questions in such a nuanced manner.

If we take out the central organization in such a system, where the thoughts of numerous people in many times and places all over the world are conveyed on certain grounds for context, anyone could be right....

The reason there is so much misinformation and cultural molestation in the United States, on religious grounds, if we were going to go there, it would be Protestantism.

People attacking boxing and the meditation crossed posture it would be based on (that they flashed in the druidic knowledge picture before the TV show the big bang theory that secretly has jumping jacks and that exercise in the photo, that meditation, and a third exercise which is hidden in a plain because it contains my particular exercise, golden bell, so you can't see that third one on that plain because of the importance of this position to connect it. But who is attacking the cross meditation (which you can die if you get into it and then combine it with other daily meditation strategies which are non compatible because the specific way it twists your shoulders stays unless you put a lot of thought into breaking it). But who would attack the cross exercise and boxing? This is mostly a Protestant culture and it's mostly protestants.

Who is MOSTLY (the majority of them) spreading out knowledge like BS personality profiles like "you are divergent" or hiding people from their genome, or their natural intelligence quotient at specific jobs, telling people they are good in unnatural ways? It would mostly be Protestants.

And then what stems from them gets to all of us.

If we were going to compare Scientology or Catholocism on these issues which affect all religions, certain under codes in all religions that could be abused and lead to excessive social molestation, and because of this we are supposed to be careful with it to control... those two religions would be more civilized so that this curruption wouldn't spill out to society and poison all of us, and things would be better apportioned and more in line with choice. Eastern religious influences would have less people involved in a MANDATORY under-code for somebody to know about, but certain advantages would be lost.

Protestantism would be uncivilized, not blocking off the problem and letting it spill out to everybody, and grow and overflow from it.

America has been suffering the whole way from independence day and before because this Protestant influence based their teachings on a confusing Holy text with no central figures, and because of the initial confusion, the people that rise in society become child molesters...

Protestants that are really confused on stuff should at least pick and choose issues to discuss with the Catholic church to help save America, which is suffering in misinformation... No one can know everything and there is so much to know and Protestants are very quick to attack their own belief systems on the points they don't understand, like physical preferred meditations and attacking figures which would have a different name like maybe 'Xenu' in other religions (or at least close enough to illustrate a point, but now it's about ejecting to go to where you wanted to reach), because that is the Protestant version...

Child molesters take control and get the others to just nuke the knowledge system of America and Scientology is clearly not the problem. And Protestantism won't save us, and we will all be confused, because Protestantism will even attack Protestantism before the guy or gal learns it.

Or what about the nuke of nukes, many even attacking Judaism? A 10 commandments based faith with Christ as the pivotal figure where many are even quick to attack or downplay Judaism. It's an extreme attack but many examples of this knowledge system nuking before they even learn their own system, you can find many examples of it with Protestants, and the real thing won't be preserved by a central bureaucracy such as the one the Bible was initially intended to be used with.

Protestants attack themselves so severely that we can't stop them from attacking us all, and nuking information in the United States.

Scientology helps us deal with it but they're not the same as every other religion either.... like Catholicism, they need to step up their game and do more, but they didn't have thousand+ years to do it.... we need to demand more of the Catholics so they get the nerve to do the right things internally to help Protestantism go away or at least have more control through Masonic Judaism and fix this misinformation issue that is drowning the United States.


Oh for *beep*'s sake.


You know there are domestic terrorists in America spreading ridiculous information and trying to make information on movies and TV underground sacred information....

For example I'm just making this up but making the Twilight series some form of replacement for thousands of years of Astrological information, stuff like that...

That one I'm making up but I mentioned the Divergent series before and that one I know is true....

The problem with this information is not that it came from the movies because obviously to make a movie, people would have to read information. The problem is that the information dispersed is not up to spec or par. It won't be as intelligent as the information it replaces and the American public OPENLY becomes pressurized not to discuss movies and TV like people in other countries... I think this is what it is about so I'll say it.... relative to normal, and that includes normal for America, people have more pressure not to say for unknowing and unnatural reasons...

Now Atheists can be involved. And then no one told them anything. Scientologists and Catholics and be involved and a central authority figure will them it's retarded and they won't be out of it but they'll be better than a Protestant.

If a Protestant is involved and doesn't understand and many people in their congregation are unsure, but a child molester knows what he wants, they'll disperse out this information and ridicule others. They will ridicule ten commandments. They will ridicule Jews even though their path to the ten commandments was Jesus Christ which makes it really hard but not impossible but almost impossible for them not to be wallowing in self hatred and denial in a way that sinks us all... really inefficient.

So what I'm saying is that when Protestants get into this stuff it will be worse and they will look at it almost in a religious manner. If i as a Hindu and one of the rare ones that would be connected to an under-code was told that stuff I would think it was ridiculous not to make more of it... but they don't want us to know... simple things about movies that they try to make an under religion out of...

And it doesn't end there. What is done in the legal system is ridiculous. If Americans were trying to get away from the bad religion, it wouldn't be Scientology, Islam, eastern religions, Mormonism or Catholicism... It would be Protestantism because they base their teachings on a confusing book so that the Catholic Church can disperse information and have a lot to say about confusing issue, and with no central authority and the way it's set up, they are more prone to be guided collectively by teachings that molest knowledge, and do so in uncivilized ways where it spills out...

Whereas I guarantee you that a lot of people that gave up every penny to join Scientology under known conditions (or even some nuns going to monasteries) did so because they were terrorized by worse, and it was dispersed in a way that it already became religion and law by a percentage.


Please, sir, head of Scientology, please give us some official information in some form, even in the Prologue and then get your cut from that if it helps it turn over more quickly...

David Miscavige I think has a high degree of native intelligence, but he is an uneducated man. I don't think he even has a high school diploma, or studied anything independently. I really doubt that he could write anything of a deep, reasoned, researched, analytic manner. Not to say all high school dropouts can't write well, but I don't see anything profound coming out of him.


I think the church needs to pick an official person up to the task.

Because higher education is getting robbed and robbing us in America because people have been lied to for 50+ years since the times of the space program about their natural genome and intelligence. Some people are just born smart at certain things in ways that there may be others that rise beyond these people at these activities, but the way they naturally think makes them great leaders by example. Because their genes are great to standardize certain processes... but this thought that people have genetic advantages has been ridiculed and people have been giving out BS assessments at a young age that is meant to confuse them... in this confusion there are many things that they would have stood up to or have had a say by nature, but because their nature has been obstructed to their knowledge by these bogus assessments, or by the time you make them workable like a Cosmo quiz, there was a lot that we let by... and it decayed society.

Obviously when it comes to higher education people will get less out of it, and by the time you get to the Ivy Leagues people would prefer that people learn from a 'higher' perspective with a great discernment from lower intelligence in a subject matter. As ridiculous as that movie how high is (about a botanist/weed smoker and a boxer meditator/weed smoker that got into Ivy leagues by cheating but the irony is the way they 'cheated' with higher intelligence, it would be worse to Ivy League if they did well in a less respected, less solid way.

So formal education, I'm not trying to downplay it, but it has already been downplayed by stealing the knowledge of the genome, how people are naturally smart. But those that are supposed to guard the information of higher knowledge are supposed to have great lower intelligence for the preservation of good information...

These assessments need to be audited because what they are honestly is self knowledge, knowledge of our own genome, what we can naturally do and WHY so if we decide to do something else, we will know how to do creatively from our position of natural advantage...

Now if David M himself is not suited for this, he could still make a killing writing a prologue or epilogue or testimonial or opinion so that information on ten commandments based Scientology or using techniques such as on/off to audit the ten commandments, how to approach Scientology with the ten commandments so that people may understand the nature of what some may deem Masonry or pursuing only the L Ron Hubbard within upholding the ten commandments as a deity, people need to be familiar with this concept and then they can realize how to suitable branch out while staying true to their 'most god'....

But even that would be better than trying to steal this system from the Bible which is attached to Catholicism, and then regardless of credentials, people with dark intentions get too much say without the information to put a perspective on their messages.

Now those two Harvard disciples in How High, there are many ways to get 'high' that way and physical meditations and botany are good too (if the guy was growing his own plants and learning all that stuff about other alternative medicines too) but someone should have given them or the next guy the right assessments, if those guys were meant to receive... just make it easier to filter the higher knowledge so that society is taught properly.

I feel that as a Hindu these ideas might bear weight when conveyed from a neutral party, just give a perspective from someone that is not personally directly involved, but suffering from the 'spill' too.

It's not helping people. More people get abused, even sexually, but with poor discernment, it happens to more people, but even if they did it to one person that was better at it, and more respected for it, and then that person helped those guys better, it's better than getting more people involved... because this sexual abuse is perpetuated to spread poor information. And what I'm saying scary and unpleasant but we need to prevent the *preventable* because then it's even going to be more wrong too, and I think there is a way that like Catholicism, Scientology could make smarter proves to protect society and especially American Society, because I've been living here a long time and I see it for myself and I have an understanding of what is unflooring the ground...

misinformation is the real issue. But we need to think of how to protect ourselves collectively.
