I'm in no way a violent person, but...

everytime I see or hear David Miscavige, I want to punch his face in. That this tiny, little insignificant "man" wields so much power and fright from his parishioners disgusts me beyond all belief, not to mention his misplaced and unearned arrogance over all things Scientology. Ugh! 

"In your opinion?"
"Um, yes your honor, in my opinion."


~ I know how you feel. I hope and pray that this guy goes down ugly or die a horrible death.


"I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it's easy to pretend
I know your not a fool"

by: George Michael


My thoughts exactly. The reason being, he's known for having rage and violence against his "staff", and gets away with Aggravated Assault charges. Nothing gives me more fire and passion than injustice.

The man is obviously a psychopath and I would be very grateful to be a part of taking him, a dictator, down, and he can spend a decade in prison just for his assault charges. Tax evasion, usury, fraud, intention infliction of emotional and physical distress, wrongful imprisonment, kidnapping, blackmail, extortion... he owes the rest of his life in prison.

A person hates you because they either wanna be you, see you as a threat, or hate themself


Wanna take turns? ?
