MovieChat Forums > Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath (2016) Discussion > When are they going to start talking abo...

When are they going to start talking about Xenu, and body thetans? Etc.

I know all about it, but I want to hear about it from Leah, and other ex members.

"I don't give a tuppenny fck about your moral conundrum, you meat headed sh*t sack."


What I'd really like them to talk about is

A: Get more in-depth about Lisa McPHerson as well as talk about all the other people who have died under bizarre circumstances while in the Church (including L. Ron Hubbard's own son Quentin) and

B: Interview ex-Scientologists who aren't celebs or part of the elite. The people you've never heard of and don't care about. The people that Scientology really hurts, those are the stories that need told.

C: Katie Holmes.


C: Katie Holmes

She can't talk about it just yet as per her divorce agreement. If Leah hasn't mentioned her (other than talking about the 'wedding incident') it's probably because Katie isn't been allowed to say anything about Scientology until next year.

I don't need ANY of you. I can go back to the Mommie Dearest board at ANY time! Just know THAT!


I think if we're going to want to hear about any of Tom's wives, Nicole Kidman is much more interesting and falls in line more the point Leah's trying to make. As I understand it she is detached from her kids, who are still in the cult and refer to her as a Supressive Person.

Katie at least got away and Tom detached from Suri (which if you ask me, good for Suri - she's better off as long as he remains involved in CoS).

I just want to know where the HE11 Shelly Miscavage is and why there is no investigation.

It took me three hours to figure out that FU was Felix Ungar.


I'm he quickly spoke about xenu on the ask anything special with Leah and Mike.


I don't think they will get into that stuff because it's not so much about what they believe in but instead what the church is doing to harm people. I mean who cares what it is they think will happen after they die, that is not what is wrong with this, so called, church.


Thank you for saying exactly what I was thinking. The topic was indeed touched upon during the "Ask Me Anything" show, but the system of beliefs is not even close to the real problem with Scientology.


That's not her focus for this series. She is going about this much smarter than attacking the "church" for its whacked out beliefs. Instead she is focusing on the severe damage that they have caused to families by ripping them apart as well as focusing on the major physical abuse by Miscavige towards his staff. The way she is presenting this information is so much more impactful and shocking than if she just sat there talking about all of that Xenu crap.


She did briefly mention that no one really believes in Xenu or any of that stuff, which is very interesting as it really proves that this is a fake religion, and they are all just pretending to "believe" for whatever reason...


She did briefly mention that no one really believes in Xenu or any of that stuff, which is very interesting as it really proves that this is a fake religion, and they are all just pretending to "believe" for whatever reason...

I think she said its a philosophy they're taught and they're not required to believe it.

I'm a Christian and I have met other Christians who don't believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead. They think of it more as a parable to teach a lesson. Maybe its the same type of thing.


I'll explain it to you this way. In religions there is a creator achetype.

For example in Hinduism it's Brahma. One may call this entity a Satan in Christianity, but then a particular face.

But Hinduism he's a good guy. But he has a problem. He creates through ego so he may be a child molester... Because people may do it out of ego...

But he's trying to control himself because that's the worst thing but he thinks in a way where he is responsible for everything that happens, because in a way, he will take responsibility for every single thing.

And he creates through ego... so he's confused. Or even lying, lying to make it true... Things like that.

But if he molested somebody and couldn't stop, he would be trying to eject her to come to him under another... so he would no longer see her but see her as part of another... so she had a choice to protect herself by funneling her presence through another's....

So if he did it, I'm not going to get too much into it, but from the Leah Remini documentary series, and I'm just starting watching through it with on demand, hopefully that person could use those emotions to eject themselves and get far away... I think the difference between the Xenu archetype and the standard archetype, is he is more concerned about using these emotions or the conditions that there was just some thing about it that couldn't be accepted, to shoot to better conditions, or maybe make this world better...

Something about using this situation to eject into better conditions or circumstances, I think that is more the focus with Scientology in particular.


> I know all about it, but I want to hear about it from Leah, and other ex members.

She really doesn't need to go into all that crazy stuff that they believe. That's not the point of this series. Her point is that scientology ruins people's lives.

South Park already did a good job of showing what scientologists believe.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
