
Ms Remini is trying to warn people against people like herself. These people were willing participants in this church (whatever it is) for 35 - 40 years. They're telling a world of suckers not to be suckers.

They willing gave their money to gain a step on the bridge to spiritual enlightenment, bought the same book over and over again and never once thought WTF?

Remini told Rinder she wished she had a dad like him. This is the man that for 20 years was head of tormenting people who left the flock. He might be trying to make things "right" now. But, when you're a s***mbag for 20 years I personally find it hard to respect your word on anything.

I started laughing my ass off when the mother started to cry and then Rinder joined in and Remini said "we have to stop..." I wish I can feel bad for these people. But, I don't, not in the least. Hubbard was right about one thing and it's pretty much common sense "Your life is what YOU make of it" (I'm paraphrasing)

I'm only 3 episodes in, and it's all very enjoyable. I always thought scientology was a moronic cult and that hasn't changed. But, I'm not very keen on any religion. But, my God takes wonderful care of me.


Well, the response to each of your points is that these people were victims of a scam. Yes, they willingly joined and willingly handed over their money. But, that's the thing about a scam; the con artist is very good at what he does and the victims do hand over their money willingly. It's still fraud.

> He might be trying to make things "right" now. But, when you're a s***mbag for 20 years I personally find it hard to respect your word on anything.

And, that's a fair point. I think Leah was trying to say, "I wish I had a father like you are now back when I was growing up."

The man has a lot to atone for. He needs to set up a safe house for future members that want to escape, for example. And, such a safe house needs to be very open and blatant. New escapees need to be able to find it within hours of their escape.

> I wish I can feel bad for these people. But, I don't, not in the least. Hubbard was right about one thing and it's pretty much common sense "Your life is what YOU make of it" (I'm paraphrasing)

But, this exactly what these people thought that they were doing. They joined thinking that they were on the path to enlightenment and, along the way, they'd be helping the world be a better place. You have to feel a bit sorry for them. Not one of them joined up intending to do evil.

> I always thought scientology was a moronic cult and that hasn't changed.

Be careful with that attitude. You can't just dismiss them because they seem stupid. They are very rich and very powerful. They have shown a propensity for violence and they appear that they will go to any length to protect themselves.

I mean, look what happened when the general public dismissed Trump supporters as uneducated buffoons.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
