Will Any Scientologists Watch This?

Apparently, it really doesn't take much to break the illusion. The series showed that David's father did one search for scientology on google and he saw the truth.

It seems like any of the faithful who watches this series will see themselves in these stories. They were punched by David, they were bullied, they cut off contact with a beloved family member, and so on.

I can see that maybe no one in the whole organization would be allowed to watch this.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Maybe they'll watch but are so brainwashed that Leah is evil, etc. that the show wouldn't affect them Or they won't watch for fear of numerous beatings, isolation, slave labor, etc...


I wouldn't think so. Leah talked about how she would ask people if they had read something and they all refused. Plus the Sea Org people probably don't have TV much less cable.


They don't have internet access either. It's scary how easily people are brainwashed and manipulated.

But the members that could leave and live outside must have realized that Scientology wasn't making any difference in the world - all their facts and figures were pie in the sky stuff.


> But the members that could leave and live outside must have realized that Scientology wasn't making any difference in the world

Right. It seems that the average parishioner doesn't live in a restricted community. They go to work, have TVs, and Internet. It seems that just out of simple curiosity, some of those people might watch the show and see familiar scenes.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


But the members that could leave and live outside must have realized that Scientology wasn't making any difference in the world - all their facts and figures were pie in the sky stuff.

Remember Leah described herself as such saying she had no excuse not to know what was going on. But she would watch the videos and hear the presentation and think how great they were doing world wide.

I guess you just believe what you want to believe. It goes back to another point that has been made - most of these people knew what was going on. They saw people being abused, they knew families that were disconnected etc. BUT once it happened to them that is when the decided to leave the church. We have yet to hear from anyone who was happy with the church then just left.


According to what Leah and other former Scientologist have said you are forbidden to view anything negitive about the church. Even Googling it is forbidden. So they would be breaking the rules if they did watch this. They would be found out if they did too from monitoring computers, phones or auditing.
