Similarities to Jonestown

I read a book called Seductive Poison (can't think of author's name at the moment), about a woman who escaped the Peoples Temple (aka Jonestown cult) just a few months before the mass murder/suicide. There are many similarities to Scientology. Taking people's money, separating families, abuse, harassing the people who do leave, isolating people so they can't escape.

I wonder if something that drastic (murder/suicide) would happen within Scientology?


Mike Rinder once expressed an opinion that it could happen, referring to the International Base (Gold Base in Hemet, CA), and invoked Jonestown.

There certainly have been suicides here and there--Hubbard's son for one

My own opinion is that a mass suicide will not happen. I think Scientology will go out with a whimper rather than a bang.


The thing about Jonestown is those people were held at gunpoint and basically forced to take the poison or they would be killed. While it was clear that many wanted to participate and die, there were some who did not - they were killed.

I worry about the people in the Sea Org. I hope the exposure will result in the feds coming down on David Miscavage and this cult, but I believe 100% that he will not want to go down without taking people with him. He's that special kind of scumbag. Those Sea Org members are under lockdown. What happens to them if it all falls apart? I could easily see a Jonestown situation if law enforcement doesn't go in and intervene, but do state or federal laws allow them to?

It took me three hours to figure out that FU was Felix Ungar.


At least the Jonestown cult had the common decency to kill themselves.


Sure, those little children toddled up to the front to partake of the kool-aid. Listen to the audio tape and educate yourself before spouting off on the internet.

One by one the penguins steal my sanity


Yes! Let the butthurt flow through you! With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant, young Skywalker.
