I want to join COS

I really wish there was a COS near me so I could go in there, do the whole e-meter sh!t, have them tell me I have all kinds of issues, waste a lot of their time, and then tell them I know all about Xenu.

That would be a really great afternoon.

Try to guess which famous celebrity I am.



I'd start telling them that I'm the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard and that I am very disappointed that they're not squeezing more money out of people.


This is why the make you pay in advance.


They don't make you pay in advance. You can go into a COS and they'll sit you down with an e-meter for free and give you a session only to tell you that you're seriously screwed up.

Try to guess which famous celebrity I am.


I toyed with that idea once, but ... those guys are nuts! And very, very persistent. I figured they would keep contacting me, relentlessly, no matter what I said to them. Then I'd regret ever having spoken to them.



I've heard that. Don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if they ask for something like that as a "good faith" gesture.


... those guys are nuts! And very, very persistent.
I've heard that if you get on their mailing list it is very difficult to get off. I heard at least one story where they were sending stuff to an address years after the person moved. Same if they have your phone number.


One time I was bored and made up a fake Twitter account to fool Scientologists. I was an 18 year old who was lost in the world and needed purpose. I found a Scientologist who would talk to me. I said my parents were totally against me joining and I didn't have any money. So he encouraged me to join the SeaOrg and ditch my parents. Then I was like "Somebody sent this to me. What is it?" And I posted L.Ron's writings about Xenu. The guy totally flipped on me and warned me to never post that again.

It was really funny.

Try to guess which famous celebrity I am.



It seems that is not advisable..lol

Within this thread there is a lot of info about people who have attempted this.


I can't die! I have 43 twitter followers that depend on me! oh, and I have a daughter.
