A couple questions

This is like my 3rd post here. I find cults utterly fascinating (and terrifying). Anyway, on to my questions...

Do they actually do any sort of charity work or service to their communities, like a lot of other churches do? I ask since they are always talking about saving the planet/mankind. Or is it ALL about Scientologists "helping" other Scientologists?

Also, I think Leah said that Scientologists have to put a bare minimum of 2.5 hours per day at the "church", studying (or whatever). Does this mean that every Scientologist has to live near one of their locations? You can't practice this "religion" if you live in rural Idaho, for example?


The Marc Headley episode exposed how everything they say is a lie, all the phony statistics. Google Narconon scam to see but one example.

Their boasts about what they did in Haiti is particularly egregious. They break out that video of John Travolta in military fatigues talking up Scientology and apparently delivering food. He may have done so on his own, but google Scientology Haiti to see what a sham their "help" was.

The bottom line is Scientology does nothing to help whatever community they are in.

Not sure what someone who doesn't live near Scientology does.
