MovieChat Forums > Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath (2016) Discussion > Is anyone else surprised at how articula...

Is anyone else surprised at how articulate Remini is?

She comes off so intelligently when she explains concepts of Scientology and works through the impact they had on her life and experiences.

Maybe I think of her too much as her characters, but I'm really surprised at her insight and the way she puts her thoughts into words.


Not really, she's been a delight since she was on Saved by the Bell.


She played many different characters on the TV shows she's been on, but you've never actually seen her be "just Leah" before this. I've always thought it was interesting to see actors just be themselves and not playing a part so we could see a glimpse of the real person.


Well she has certainly read a lot of books...


I'm really surprised at the level of detail they all remember these events. Even the events that at the time in the present moment didn't seem like a big deal till hindsight.


Don't know about Remini, but you'd be surprised at how many intelligent, even highly intelligent, people get sucked into cults.


I've always thought she was a sharp woman. I remember being so bummed out when I found out she was a Scientologist, because I thought she seemed to smart for it. Turns out she was and I'm glad she has gotten out and is doing all of this. Someone needs to help those who don't feel like they can help themselves, even if they don't realize it yet.

It took me three hours to figure out that FU was Felix Ungar.


I love her. Smart and a wonderful comedic actress.


I felt the same way! I did think she may get out, and this was way before KoQ ended. I had no idea Remini would speak so publicly about leaving (even though I thought she may leave on day), and I especially never thought she'd be on an all-out crusade. She is awesome.


Yeah, I remember her talking about when she left Scientology years ago, and she's actually about the only celebrity I can think of that have been open about their experiences with the Church, because none of the ones who are known Scientologists (including Tom Cruise) have ever actually spoken about what it's like being one,for some reason. I've heard how weird they were for years, but not a lot about how it's actually run from people who actually were on the inside. So that's definitely something different. Good on her for exposing more about it.


Yes a little surprised, but plesantly surprised. You wouldn't think someone who fell for this crap would be very intelligent, but she is.
