Where is Mark Bunker?

Mark Bunker is Scientology's public enemy number one and has been crusading to expose the dangers of this fraudulent for many years. I keep waiting for him to make an appearance, but the show seems to be more focused on former members.


About 5 years ago I made a donation to his work-in-progress "Knowledge Report," via his crowd-funding thing. I'm not talking 50 bucks but a few thousand. Release dates came and went. His last post here https://www.gofundme.com/828upves says "I plan to have the film done by May 2016." Well obviously May 2016 has come and gone. See this interview on Tony Ortega's site: http://tonyortega.org/2015/11/04/mark-bunker-whats-taking-that-film-of-yours-knowledge-report-so-long/comment-page-1/

I don't know what is going on with the man. In this separate crowdfunding he pleads health problems and financial problems: https://www.gofundme.com/facing-eviction-2uzxrfkx. But he also says there that things were getting better.

I've seen Bunker's clips from the film on his site, good stuff. And from hearing him on YouTube videos I can't help but like him. He certainly knows a lot more about Scientology and its people than documentarians that are new to the subject. But I can't help but be a little disappointed, and yes a little pissed off, that promised release dates come and go.


Maybe his health problems or legal issues have delayed it. I doubt he asked for contributions to scam people. The amount is too low.


He shows up in the final episode of Season 1. Good to see him.

Finish the damn movie, Mark.
