why aren't the feds all over this

At the very least, what "defectors" have claimed is abuse of every kind. That alone should be grounds for massive search warrants and potential perps hauled in for questioning.

As for that little man of a leader, I'd take my hand and rip out his wind pipe. Someday, people are going to get real tired of mounting evidence of mafia-like crimes against innocent people born into this sick cult/crime syndicate and seeing NO law enforcement doing jack and start fire bombing the precious palace of cruelty and brutality.


They are blanketed my the "first amendment."

Even a CULT gets religious freedom.

You think any of the other religions are any better?

We can't touch them... THAT if anything, proves there is no God.


The First Amendment doesn't preclude imprisonment against one's will. There is nothing that would prevent the FBI from obtaining a warrant for entry to the California compound and and announcing that they will escort anyone off the premises who wants to leave. This is basically what Representative Leo Ryan did in his trip to Jonestown.


Wouldn't they need probable cause to get the warrent to enter the premises? From what we've seen so far by the time people get brave enough to stand up to the cult they're out of the statute of limitations.


You're 100% right. This isn't about the First Amendment stretching too far. It's that sadly telling stories of illegal activity in the past cannot be proven, and claims made of current abuses are not enough probable cause for a warrant. When some thing does happen to try to claim illegal acitvity, the cult cleverly swats it down.

Example: the missing persons report filed for David Miscavige's wife that Remini was a part of. It was closed quickly after the investigation. Shelly likely came out of the hole long enough to satisfy the LAPD that she was safe. This cult is amazing in their abilities to enslave and detain current members. Past members making claims have rarely had grounds to allege crimes against them because it's too late to prove at that point.


Someone like you would never get close to him. By the time you made it to his level you'd be completely indoctrinated.

One thing that kind of gets me is the people that have left say they realized they had to leave when something happened to them. You know they witnessed crap happening to others for years that they turned a blind eye to.



I saw a woman on TV recently that said that she had voted for Trump and she was stunned to find out that Trump now wants to take away her health care. She said that she didn't think that he meant HER health care; she thought it would only apply to illegal immigrants.

That reminds me of how people who voted for 0bama thought they could keep their health insurance plan and their doctor, plus they wouldn't pay any more for their insurance.


> That reminds me of how people who voted for 0bama thought they could keep their health insurance plan and their doctor, plus they wouldn't pay any more for their insurance.

At least they got adequate health care, even if wasn't exactly what they wanted. Once Trump and his cronies destroy the current health plans, those people will have nothing.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?



> So, because 0butthole flat out lied about it, it is ok. It doesn't matter how many people lost wages, lost their jobs, lost their insurance - some people were able to get insurance.

Can you cite any article where a significant number of people lost their jobs as a direct result of Obamacare? The first article in a Google search show a famous Republican lying about it (and you parroted his lie).


> Typical liberal fear mongering.

And, if the conservatives ignore all the warnings, they will also get swept away, along with the Liberals who could see what would happen.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Can you cite any article where a significant number of people lost their jobs as a direct result of Obamacare? The first article in a Google search show a famous Republican lying about it (and you parroted his lie).

I will right after you cite any article where 45,000 people per day died because they didn't have health insurance.

And, if the conservatives ignore all the warnings, they will also get swept away, along with the Liberals who could see what would happen.

Typical liberal who is too stupid to understand fear mongering means that they fear they spread is simply bullsh!t and a way for the government to claim more power over the people.


> I will right after you cite any article where 45,000 people per day died because they didn't have health insurance.

Um, I challenged you first. Put up or shut up.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Nope. This whole bullsh!t program was based upon a lie that the liberal scumbag media were too much of pu^^sies to expose.

It is why the cVnt lost the election. People are tired of the media pushing their agenda.


> This whole bullsh!t program was based upon a lie that the liberal scumbag media were too much of pu^^sies to expose. It is why the cVnt lost the election.

Nope. She lost because of the deep hatred that conservatives have for people not like themselves. You perfectly demonstrate my point with all your swearing.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


She lost because of the deep hatred that conservatives have for people not like themselves.

Haven't seen the video of the anti-Trump people beating the man they kidnapped, have you? Or the anti-Trump people who beat an older guy at a traffic accident? Or the protests done by the anti-Trump people?

Petty sad that you "think" using bad words on a web-site is worse than the actual, physical assaults done by liberals. 


> Haven't seen the video of the anti-Trump people beating the man they kidnapped, have you?

No. But I have seen the videos of armed southerners vowing a violent government overthrow if Trump lost. I guess in some regards, we are lucky that Trump won. The violence would have been far worse than one or two guys getting beaten.

If you look closely, you'll see that the kind of people that support Trump are the unstable violent people and the people that support Hillary are not.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


> Haven't seen the video of the anti-Trump people beating the man they kidnapped, have you?


Then STFU snowflake.


> Then STFU snowflake.

So, let me see if I am getting your point straight, you feel that two cases of someone getting beat up because of some racist thing they said in support of Trump is far more important than gangs of armed Trump supporters threatening to violently overthrow the government.

Yeah, well, I guess I should shut up now; there is nothing more that can be said that can fix you. You are a lost cause.

Good day to you.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I guess I should shut up now;

That is the ONLY thing you've said which wasn't completely idiotic.

I mean, you are seriously retarded. Your vagina bleeds because some people you disagree with claim they'll do something, but the scumbags you do agree with ACTUALLY GO OUT AND RIOT OVER THE RESULTS OF A FREE ELECTION and you are fine with that.

To borrow from Shakespeare, 'The first thing we do is kill all of the liberals.'


With all due respect, arguing with a liberal is the same as arguing with the mentally ill. It's a waste of time.



Tired of you stupid narrow-minded right-wingers who voted for trumpf like a bunch of fckg idiots

I almost remember a time when "liberal" meant, "open, honest, accepting of others." Now it simply means "hate-filled hypocrites who DEMAND we accept them, but will not accept anyone who doesn't share the same, effed-up beliefs as them."

I mean, would you appoint as the head of a corporation someone who has no idea and no damn clue about how to run it and no experience at all as CEO to run it?

Your ilk elected someone who had no real-world or military experience, and exceedingly limited political experience as POTUS. And, you ONLY did it because of the color of his skin.

but that's what you fckg idiots who voted for this fckg racist, sexist know-nothing, narcissistic, selfish, arrogant clown fool idiot

You just described 0bama and his voters.

right-wing nuts pretty much guaranteed that this country is going to be run the damn ground.

No, we voted against continuing 0bama's failed policies.

Settle down, snowflake. Go find some crayons and play dough and run off to your safe-space. Your mommy will be by soon with your Hot Pocket, Yo-hoo and participation trophy. 


Ain't that the truth. I've often said, you can lead a liberal to intelligence, but you can't make him think.


If you look closely, you'll see that the kind of people that support Trump are the unstable violent people and the people that support Hillary are not.

In a country with over 300 million people I don't think it is wise to allow a handful of jerks to define half the population - whichever side you're on.

The video of the mentally disabled man being almost scalped is disturbing and I only listened to the audio. Not so much because of the Trump or racist comments but that young people would think its okay to kidnap and torture a man AND POST IT LIVE ON FACEBOOK. We have raised a bunch of sick people.


Wow. You're a willing blind idiot liberal aren't you?


> You're a willing blind idiot liberal aren't you?

You sound like a scientologist; anything that disagrees with you is stupid and evil and idiotic.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?



Most Obama supporters got major discounts on their newly acquired health insurance. The rest of us got tax 5 -6 figure tax increases to pay for their discounts. They don't care. 700$ for an iPhone, they will pay, but they will throw a fit if they have to pay their own health insurance like the rest of us.



Most Obama supporters got major discounts on their newly acquired health insurance.


The rest of us got tax 5 -6 figure tax increases to pay for their discounts.

Big time incorrect.

Why is it that people need to lump an entire group of people together because of the actions of a few? Is it because they are lazy? Ignorant? Both?


Really? You couldn't keep Presidential politics out of this? You just had to find a way to make this about Obama and Trump and libs and cons?


Why are you replying to me?


Why? Do you have to ask?
I refer you to your comment of Wed Jan 4 2017 06:30:17.
It seems to be the first mention of US presidential politics in this thread.
THAT's why I'm replying to you.


by bing-57 » 3 days ago (Mon Jan 2 2017 11:50:13) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since August 2001
> One thing that kind of gets me is the people that have left say they realized they had to leave when something happened to them. You know they witnessed crap happening to others for years that they turned a blind eye to.

Yup. I just noticed that the woman, Mary, said that when she joined she never thought it would be possible for her to be declared an enemy of the church.

But, that's not just a problem with scientology, that's a problem with many religions and even political parties. I saw a woman on TV recently that said that she had voted for Trump and she was stunned to find out that Trump now wants to take away her health care. She said that she didn't think that he meant HER health care; she thought it would only apply to illegal immigrants.


Still waiting for your apology.



That's not even the same thing----Obama was trying to create a whole new way for people who couldn't afford insurance to get it, and he did, and now at least 20 million people are on it today. Granted the premiums did go up, but only to $100 per year. trumpf's crazy a** and his new crew just want to get rid of anything that Obama put in place without even having one single damn thing to replace it with. Even trumpf admitted recently that they would have to keep the provisions for people with pre-existing conditions and that they couldn't just "get rid of" Obamacare overnight. So,no,you can't even compare the two, because people were stupid enough to vote for trumpf knowing he had no experience running a damn thing besides real estate (since when the hell does being a businessman who's been bankrupt THREE times qualify anybody to run the country? I mean,DUH,WTF? Damn!)

Caught at lease one of these episodes (about the Scientologist couple who secretly escaped the cult and had the kids they weren't allowed to have.) I found it very interesting to finally see a program where people who had been with Scientology were actually speaking openly about what life with the cult was really like on the inside.


Obama was trying to create a whole new way for people who couldn't afford insurance to get it, and he did, and now at least 20 million people are on it today.

After all of the lies and fear-monger done to get it passed, 0bama finally said it was 15 million who didn't have coverage. And, then he admitted that not everyone got covered and it left about 15 million without insurance.

People had their hours cut and/or lost their jobs because of it.

Granted the premiums did go up, but only to $100 per year.

Thank you for admitting that 0bama is either a liar, or incompetent, since he repeated assured us it wouldn't go up by even a dime.

just want to get rid of anything that Obama put in place without even having one single damn thing to replace it with

Nothing will be better than something.

people were stupid enough to vote for trumpf knowing he had no experience running a damn thing besides real estate

What did 0bama have experience in running before you morons elected him? In his two years in the senate, what exactly did he do of any significance?

Since when does someone who has lived off of someone else's dime his entire life, was an activist lawyer, and voted "present" 50% of the time in the senate qualify him to run the country? I mean, DUH, WTF! DAM!


People are like that all over. They never think...

That says a lot right there. I suspect most people spend more time deciding what clothing or phone to buy than who to vote for or the consequences of joining a pseudo-religion.

The latter of course cannot apply to children that are raised without the benefit of knowing differently.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


They do not care.


What does all of that have to do with the fact that 0bamacare is based upon the flat out lie that 45,000 Americans die each year due to lack of health insurance? 


The FBI and IRS tried to shut it down back in the 90's. All of that awful stuff Scientology does to defectors (the stalking, harassment, spying, blackmail, lawsuits, etc) was done to individual IRS and FBI agents and their families. The IRS and FBI agents investigating the thing were so intimidated, they declared Scientology a religion, forgave massive back taxes that were over a billion dollars that would have otherwise caused Scientology to go bankrupt and shut down, and basically let all of the fraud and abuse that was going on slide.

In other words, Scientology successfully bullied the government into leaving them alone the same way they bully their members and anyone who tries to leave or speak out against the church.

The government could try again, but I suspect the same thing would happen.

I suspect what will actually bring down Scientology is people like Leah Remini speaking out against it in a big way, and massive public backlash to the point where Scientology can no longer recruit new members. This will be much slower than a government intervention, but at least the church can't play the victim card and claim that the big, bad government was trampling all over their rights.


I suspect what will actually bring down Scientology is people like Leah Remini speaking out against it in a big way, and massive public backlash to the point where Scientology can no longer recruit new members
Not sure if Scientology will be brought down, but they sure as heck are having a problem bringing in new members. And that started happening long before Leah spoke up.....more a product of the internet age. Who wouldn't search the term on google before signing a billion year contract?

Only problem is those already in and -- even more so -- those born in. The series talks about those quite sadly.


Because they'd then have to go after the Catholic Cult, The Mormon Cult...and other, bull *beep* religious cults.


Because they'd then have to go after the Catholic Cult, The Mormon Cult...and other, bull *beep* religious cults.


Saying that twice doesn't make it any less stupid. A cult doesn't allow members to leave freely, so your statement is simply a hate-filled lie.


your statement is simply a hate-filled lie.

There sure is a lot of that going around these days.


Very much so. It is quite sad that they go out of their way to spread hatred and lies.


They = both sides. It'll be interesting to see how the left handles the next 4 years. I really hope they don't whine as badly as the right has but that may be wishful thinking. One thing for sure, the pure hatred and inability to be objective in this country is very concerning. Ripping ourselves apart from the inside. Any idiot can yell and scream and name call. It takes special people to listen, discuss, cooperate and work together. The ability to see another opinion despite disagreeing with it is such a dying trait. Good luck America. You're country is too good and strong to be this petty.


It started when Bush #2 was POTUS. The left lost their minds and vilified him no matter what he did. There had been a long standing tradition in which past Presidents didn't comment on the policies of the current Presidents. They knew the pressures and problems with the jobs, and how much you get questioned by people who are not privy to information you have.

Then former President Carter spouted off about Bush, so of course former President Clinton has to as well.

We didn't hear a peep out of either of the Bushes with regards to the policies of Clinton or 0bama.

The left has a different (lower) standard for themselves than they do everyone else and it is what is dividing this country worse than anything else.

If they held themselves to the same standards as they do everyone else, we could heal and move on.


I am in the middle and usually end up voting for even numbers of each side, as long as the person has values I agree with. Both sides have strengths to me along with weaknesses. I personally think Dubbya was a very poor president, but I voted for him twice. Oops. I do know the right said from day one that they were going to fight Obama no matter what he did and I felt that was quite sad. Not caring about the country or working together, just shut him down. Now the right has full control and I'm very interested to see what they do with it. They can do lots of good and I hope they do. Hilary should have woken up the left too as to the issues they need to address.


I personally think Dubbya was a very poor president,

Whoever followed Clinton was going to have to deal with all of the sh!t Clinton left behind. I almost wish it was Gore, so we could have heard all of the lies the media would have told as to why it was all the GOP's fault.

I do know the right said from day one that they were going to fight Obama no matter what he did and I felt that was quite sad.

When Reagan was POTUS and they asked Speaker of the House Tip O'Neil (D) what they were going to do now that he Reagan was in the WH, O'Neil said, "We are the opposing party. We will oppose."

The left had no problem with that or the dozen or so times O'Neil shut the government down under Reagan/Bush. But, for "some reason" they have a cow at the idea of the GOP trying to stop 0bama from taking over health care, p!ssing away $700 billion on ear-marks, pulling out of the middle east...

Not caring about the country or working together, just shut him down.

Shutting him down IS caring about the country.

Now the right has full control and I'm very interested to see what they do with it.

They don't have full control. 0bama had a veto-proof majority for his first 15 months. The GOP couldn't block the (failed) stimulus bill or the (disastrous) health care bill.

In addition, 0bama and the dims refused to work with the GOP on any of this. There were no compromises. They didn't allow GOP plans out of committee and Reid shelves all jobs bills the GOP had.

Hilary should have woken up the left too as to the issues they need to address.

The dims used to be the party of the people/unions. How many union people do you see whining about safe-zones, sanctuary cities, accepting illegals? The left is now the party of the liberal elites who are out of touch with reality. They aren't worried about getting shot by illegals in sanctuary cities because they live in expensive buildings with great security. They make sure their body guards have guns to protect them, while wanting to further restrict the rights of legal gun owners (and not punish the law breakers who use guns.)

All Trump has to do is get the economy going again and the dims don't stand a chance in 4 years. Or 8.


Post noted. Good luck the next 4 years.


I agree. I'm anti violence but if someone snapped and killed him, it might end a lot of suffering, like Hitler. Or like Hitler, maybe there are people waiting in the wings to carry on the beatings, fraud, etc.
I imagine he has a lot of security.
