Why all the cursing?

When I was in college, one of my professors stated that when a person uses curse words a lot it usually means they don't have the intelligence to use proper language. If that's true then these ex Scientologist must be stupid..I've never seen a reality show or documentary that curse in almost every sentence. It just surprises me that they use such bad language even when having normal chit chat... I would have never guessed that people that were part or even used to be deep into any kind of religion, would have to curse so much.


Your prof was ignorant. There are studies that suggest the exact opposite is true. You familiar with the work of Lewis Black and George Carlin? Neither one is rightly described as unintelligent.


There are studies that suggest the exact opposite is true.

Yes, there are studies that prove those who swear are actually more honest and open than those who don't.


Then your COB David Miscavige is the tippy top of stupidity!

He uses Fu** in just about every sentence when he is not sucking up to his "flock" in public.

But nice try POS COS shill.


Benjamin Bergen, Professor of cognitive sciences at UC San Diego, says we have many misconceptions about using foul language.

Professor Bergen is author of a book called 'What the F: What Swearing Reveals About Our Language, Our Brains, and Ourselves.'

'It turns out that there are amazing things you can find out about how the mind works, how the brain works, people's human sociality just by looking at profanity,' he told CBS.

Swearing could be linked to higher intelligence and a bigger vocabulary.

Research in 2014 revealed people who frequently swear are more likely to have a bigger vocabulary than their clean-tongued peers.

A colourful tongue does not mean the talker is lazy or uneducated, the study published in the Language Sciences journal found.

Instead, those who are more confident using taboo words are more articulate in other areas.


Thank you. I have to wonder what college the OP attended. What the prof supposedly said seems like something a dim teacher would tell kids in middle school to steer them away from swearing.





What are his thoughts on rap music?


I've never seen a reality show or documentary that curse in almost every sentence. It just surprises me that they use such bad language even when having normal chit chat...

There's many other reality shows with far more swearing and it's all unbleeped.

It's mainly Leah who swears. Some of the other ex Scientologists swore when they were talking about something deeply upsetting.

Speaking of which, at no point were they having a normal "chit-chat" They were telling the story of how they spent most of their lives in an evil cult that cut them off from their own families and did horrible things to them over the course of many years. Please forgive them for getting upset and cursing occasionally. I'm sure they're so sorry they offended you. Christ...


Exactly!!! Thank you!


Scientology is a *beep* cult.. thats all I got to say.. ~\_(0.0)_/~

PROTIP- NILBOG = GOBLIN spelled backwards
