Why Scientology Hates Psychiatry

Just a thought. I think this so-called church hates psychiatry so much because they are masters of psychological warfare. If their members have exposure to therapists, it could potentially open their eyes to the tactics being used on them.


From what others have said, Mo. Ron Hubbard was a failed psychiatrist or the such and took out his anger on that profession.


True. I do remember them mentioning he took his book to a board of psychiatry and they laughed at him.


LRH actually even had antidepressants in his system when he died. The church members who went to the scene had written directives where LRH said he wanted npo autopsy due to religious reasons. The coroner agreed to that of course. While being examined though there were needle marks on his buttocks. He was allowed to take blood samples for toxicology, which were positive for the antidepressant.

I can't die! I have 43 twitter followers that depend on me! oh, and I have a daughter.


Scientology uses many technics similar to psychology. So it's a little bit like pepsi and coke.

That is why they are trying to discredit the other brand. It's good for business.


Yet Tom Cruise was married to to Nicole Jidman whose father was a well known Psychologist in Australia! I'm surprised Tom never talked crap about his father in law or was he not as devout a scientologisit until they spied on Nicole during Cold Mountain to break up his marriage to her?


My point of view: because they're the competition. Their e-meter stuff is a form of psychology.

"Psychology is the devil!" "they are an evil empire and only want to take your money"
"give your money to me instead".

Plus. The old dude was bitter and butthurt because his so called "studies" were rejected by them.
