Seeing her on 2007 BBC on panorama

I thought she was a dumb brainwashed acolyte,
this show has given me great respect for her, for having the balls to stand up to this glorified cult, and sham of a religion,
i hope they managed to achieve their goal,
and at least manage to have the tax exempt status removed,
shame she got indoctrinated into Catholicism and couldn't find some peace in secular humanism,

plus she is still ignorant about cannabis, and that needs to change,


and at least manage to have the tax exempt status removed,

I'd live for that, can't imagine DM's madness if that happens.

shame she got indoctrinated into Catholicism and couldn't find some peace in secular humanism,

I'm not catholic, but if she feels good with that, then it's okay. It's her decision and the only thing that matters is that she feels happy, free and comfortable.

plus she is still ignorant about cannabis, and that needs to change,

No, that doesn't "need" to change, some people like that and some people don't.
As long as she's not being annoying about that and trying to force people to quit cannabis, what's the problem?
It's just her opinion and she doesn't seem to be imposing anything on anyone.
