MovieChat Forums > Kindred Spirits (2016) Discussion > People actually fall for this?

People actually fall for this?

I got roped into watching this with a friend. I can't believe people buy into this. If ghosts exist where is the ACTUAL proof? Not scratchy voice recordings, not some device that has numbers that change when the supposed ghost is in the room, not sounds of rattling items that stops when they look for them but real proof. All of that can be staged and clearly is in this show. I just can't believe people actually believe the show is real. It's mock reality with really bad acting.


It's simple: Some people buy into this because they want to believe. You, on the other hand, don't want to believe therefore you don't buy it.

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.


Um, not really that simple. You have no idea what I want to believe, but regardless of what I want to believe this show is put on and has no real proof of anything. That's a fact that really isn't up for discussion. If you buy into it, it's not just because you want to believe. Its because you're easily conned.


I don't believe in ghosts or anything supernatural, I stumbled on this and enjoyed watching it because it reminded me of early days of Ghosthunters. The first few years the guys would discover that the strange noises might be a plumbing issue, etc, They were out to prove there were no ghosts, then it all changed and they were seeing and hearing ghosts all over the place and they stopped going into private homes - I stopped watching . I watched the original Ghosthunters just for fun and I had fun watching this. If anyone were to spend the night in my house, they might think it was haunted just because of all the mischief my cats get into at night.

I will never let you part, for you are always in my heart: MJ
turn to page 394: Snape safety pin


I do believe in the paranormal because I've experienced inexplicable, really weird stuff, but I'm veeeerry skeptical of all paranormal shows.

I often wonder if, when they ask questions and listen to the playback on their recorder and they actually hear an EVP...if maybe the producers tell them what the EVP is going to be saying so they react to it as if it's there like the producers tell them to do - even though the recording is really just silent. And then they edit in the actual sound of the EVP in post-production.

Just a theory to account for how we hear the EVPs on their recorders right when they do playback after they've asked questions.





LMAO. After reading all the posts on this thread, I got it, Klondike! 


Originally Posted by Lets_talk_about_that:
I often wonder if, when they ask questions and listen to the playback on their recorder and they actually hear an EVP...
I have a different take on that. I wonder what devices the afterlife is using in order to hear the living? Is there a afterlife version of Bill Chappell building devices for them?

Why is the living, for lack of a better word, arrogant, in thinking that we should be clearly heard when we speak to the afterlife. Why not take a EVP and play it back to the afterlife and see what happens. "Hey, this is what you sound like to us." Or, experiment with the voice of a paranormal investigator in such a way as to see if altering the voice makes it easier for the afterlife to understand. In general, sometimes I think all of this is just a little too convenient.
