I truely enjoyed this show. They were smart about the sound track which also makes (or breaks) a show,(IMHO). THIS show allowed the viewer to actually hear EVP's ,instead of DROWNING OUT everything with background music like most other shows of this kind. Thank you Kindred Spirits, I look forward to another successful season!!


I love the show but to be honest, I have a sneaking suspicion that much (or all) of their evidence is faked by production. They get EVPs in every investigation, they get names, they identify exactly who the entity is in the historical record, and they tie everything up with a bow at the end.

I'm pretty sure most of it isn't real: If it was that easy to capture spirits talking, the scientific establishment would have accepted hauntings as real a long time ago. I think the homeowners have to sign a lot of paperwork and I'm pretty sure one of those disclaimers mentions "entertainment purposes only," which allows them to insert bogus evidence with a clear conscience.


if it was that easy to capture spirits talking, the scientific establishment would have accepted hauntings as real a long time ago.

Not really. There's no proof EVPs are actually spirits talking. Maybe what they catch is real, but it is not necessarily spirits talking. People catch "EVPs" all of the time, but there's no way to prove those are actually spirits talking. That's why they aren't taken seriously.

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.
