Is it good?

Your honest opinion, plz.


I quite liked it, it was like those two entered an entirely different world on our own doorstep, but by going straight up, higher than no-one had ever gone before, not to mention the hair-raising dangers at the highest height and coming down again, and it was all over in real time in less than two hours.

I think I'll buy it on streaming when it comes out, I liked it that much.


I tried it as it is offered free on Amazon Prime and is rated highly on Rotten Tomatoes, but gave up after 15 minutes. I'd say it may interest children, or anyone not demanding intelligent adult dialogue.


OP, don't listen to this guy here, he doesn't know what he's talking about.


I liked it, it was a pretty exciting adventure and well done. The parts that took place up in the balloon were really cool, I definetely recommend this. 7/10


good actors, great camerwork and stunts. Really stupid that they didn't bring hats and gloves. And not historically accurate, as others have mentioned.


Title should have been "How Not to Fly Your Balloon". Either that or "The Idiauts".

This could have been okay, but it seemed way too preposterous way too many times.


Yes it is a breath of fresh air. A movie with a good story has finally surfaced above the cacophony of violence and crash bang movies.


I started watching it with low expectations. I expected a lecture about anthropogenic climate change, and a bitchy female protagonist. I was happily surprised to find neither.
