
Incredible animation.
Nuanced, authentic characters.
Draws you into deep emotional investment. So many heart-bursting moments, such pure emotion.
Resonant themes that are needed in this day and age.

This is a life-changing show. The kind that every other show should aspire to be.



It is a sports anime, but also explores the lives of the characters outside their sport.
Also, this anime is more accurate to the sport than most sports animes. Several actual professional figure skaters have become fans of the show and given their support.

As for the romance, it isn't just centered on innuendo and sex, which is what I understand yaoi to be. This show highlights a very real relationship, with all the complexities that go along. It's being lauded as one of the healthiest relationships on television, or at least in anime...two people, coming together as equals, supporting each other. The fact that they are both male is a side note, not even mentioned in the anime itself. Because it DOESN'T MATTER - the sum is what's important here, not the parts. So, no, it's not a queer-baiting, borderline pornographic, gratuitously gay show written for squealing fans. It's so much deeper than that.

It sounds like it's not your thing, but for anyone else reading this, give it a chance. Just look at the ratings on here, Crunchyroll, etc.


This show is a gem and is getting very popular. I don't think recommendations are necessary, people who like this show would've already watched it already because it is just that good.

And the second poster is just homophobic, of the worst kind.


Absolutely agree. Never watched anime that was quite this beautiful in animation and story. The arc of the three main-ish character's growth is something that's built up perfectly in 12 episodes. I doubt I'll see an anime with that great of character development for a while.


i agree! As a long time figure skating fan i was really surprised at how accurately they captured the sport but also the world of figure skating. And as someone involved in sports, i was also very happy with the way top level athletes were portrayed. I felt the interactions between the characters were all so natural and subtle and felt REAL.
The very nicely executed romance was a definite plus to the story but I think the characters execution and the story's arch were what got me so addicted.
However I think the end of the season was rushed. It needed a few more episodes.
