
Love the show. Love this episode. I teared up a little, got on the floor with my dog and watched it with her. We're going for a walk after I smoke this doob. Just kidding. I don't smoke, but I still love the show.


Just watched it. You're right. It is a great episode.


I think it's one of the best episodes of any show I've seen recently.

What a great series this is! This particular episode really moved me!


Terrific episode. True to life, most of our relationships, just like Gatsby's, are very temporary, meaningless, and easily thrown away. Without nurturing, affection, and genuine caring from others, whsts's the point beyond the utilitarian?


I like the idea of a dog/animal being a protagonist, i even wrote my own story about a cat. Anyway, the last two episodes were okay, this one was really great and inspirational. I felt the other two lacked substance in some way. Also though, "the guy" wouldnt break his code to some girl that lived in the same building and already knows hes sells, but he gives a free J to some random people in central park (he tells the girl he strictly works using the referral system). pretty sure she was young but not under 18


Holy sh!t!!
Great comment jroskelley

If you don’t like what I wrote please simply press ALT + F4!


Thank you, good sir.


By the time Grandpa was in the cage...i was a mess..headed right into the ugly cry.
What a lovely and touching episode.
Def one of the best things i've seen in awhile.

The actor playing Grandpa was amazing.

It's not going to stop
..till you wise up


Agreed. Watched it a second time to show to friends. They loved it.

And we had a dog visiting so I could at least pretend to snuggle it.

Glad this board is being used. Most people on the udder one.


Why does someone who lives alone and is always working have a dog? Awful person.
