The "Recant" Videos (Spoilers)

I watched the documentary. I really knew nothing about the guy and felt kind of stupid for it. But I've been watching AMC's Halt and Catch Fire and I thought of the Joe McMillan character immediately.

Anyway, I found the documentary reasonable. It is just 90 minutes of one person's exploration, but the guy seems to have a paranoid, hyper, super-narcissist personality.

And instead of just releasing a statement about the film being untrue, etc., he goes on a wild rampage online. And I guess he has many followers who really dig him.

I viewed the videos of some people in the documentary who were tracked down and seemed held captive and told what to say--they were offered money and then lied to Showtime for the project. But now they are coming clean and say Mr. John is so nice and peaceful and so kind and not like "that" and a lot say the exact same thing--like a script. At the end I laughed and thought, yeah, that's legit. (sarcastically)

But all the comments were like, yay John, go, you're the man! So bad these people were exploited!

Also, several of these "poor" people in Belize included how John founded the great anti-virus program McAfee. I'm sure that was just a spontaneous thing they wanted to share with everybody so we'd all know which John McAfee was at the center of attention here.

This guy is sick. And he proves the filmmaker's premise: that John does whatever he wants and gets positive media for it and can just move on with his life and his own reality. Not unlike someone who made into the presidential race. He does weird things with his hair, too,


What makes you think the participants lied?


Did you watch the videos?


I saw the documentary. Are there other videos?


mcafee put some videos up on his youtube channel showing the interviewed belizeians recanting their accounts of what occured, stating that showtime told them what to say and paid them for it. and that most of the documentary is false.


Thanks, I didn't know McAfee had a YT channel. But it's impossible to know if McAfee paid these people to recant. It just all depends on what each of us believes. The people are desperately poor, so they can be easily bought.
