
This breaks no new ground at all. I didn't find the characters likeable - I didn't really care what happened to them - and every characters plotline was entirely telegraphed.
I don't know why but I cannot find Dawn French believable in drama - maybe it's because of her comedic background - it's not that she's a bad actress - she just seems out of place in this kind of thing.
A story that could have been told in an hour - two tops - it just dragged on too long.


I agree that it dragged on too long - I never really understood what the point of the story was. Two women whose lives revolved around one man are still controlled by him from beyond the grave? That Leo's legacy is to leave behind some nice food and a lot of very messed up people? I dunno. It seemed like there was no story arc, it just meandered from one thing to another without really knowing what story it wanted to tell.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."


Thank you for responding - I agree entirely.
There seemed to be "filler" situations that served no purpose. The unfaithful gold digging gay doctor for example. And the "I didn't love you when you were born" revelation of Sam's. And why the focus on snails? I hope that needless crushing of one was faked. I cannot bear it when any creature is harmed just for the sake of a television program.
And it never really explained how Mimi, his mum, had her lightbulb moment when she found out that he had been salting money away, let alone how she knew the numbers of the accounts and had no documents to convince the bank to release the money to her anyway - let alone bring that much into the country in notes.
And what happened to the "you are not cleverer than me" female detective so easily outwitted by a silver surfer!!
It was just all too convenient with the not really incest resolution - as if we have to gloss over the fact that they slept together even though they thought they were half brother and sister.
And hey - who cares if they decided to launder the money - it's all good fun.
It doesn't really stand up to much scrutiny.
