One of the best!

I absolutely love this series and this particular one was so beautiful and also very current. Not only do we see Oliver and Shane getting closer, this was about a letter sent by a soldier who came back from the war with extreme PTSD and his partner, a rescue dog (and his parter while in Afghanistan). Returning to the US, the soldier wasn't able to keep his partner (who also struggled with PTSD), because of the money it would take. The story has so many wonderful moments as the Postables struggle to find the receiver of the letter and fate or destiny or whatever we want to call it, steps in at a very critical time for Oliver. I cried towards the end and the conclusion was amazingly poignant. The military and their canine partners are not only important while they are working, but needed when they return home. I loved this story so much and this series. It always warms my heart and even for a while, my problems seem like a blip on the radar compared to what's going on in these Hallmark stories (this one in particular).


I agree, this was one of the best in the Signed, Sealed, and Delivered franchise. I got teary-eyed a few times, and personally enjoyed the broader spiritual element which was refreshing without being patronizing to the viewer. I think the underlying theme of "redemption" for relationships, especially parent & child, was powerful.


I'm going to be the naysayer, I'm afraid.

I think the show found its stride about 1/2 way through the first season and generally maintained it through most of the "movies" but I've found the last couple not as strong.

I think the movie format means that there has to be a lot more stuff with the Postables which occasionally comes across as padding. How could Shane really think that Oliver would be pursuing 2 women, for instance? (That said, the weird direction made it look like he was making that choice at the end). More to the point, we have standard crutch #2 of Hollywood scriptwriters: Daddy Issues. Do Americans all really have that many problems with their fathers? All we need now is for #1 to turn up and one of the Postables to develop substance abuse (preferably alcohol as it's legal) problems.

Not that I mind the "personal" stuff with the Postables - I think my favourite episode was "The Treasure Box", which consisted mainly of Oliver and Shane reading letters out loud to each other - but I miss the "detective" element of the show. (The "twist" with Sandy was way too obvious). We also had a military theme not too many episodes ago.

I'm still generally enjoying and looking forward to new movies, but I'd rather have a few more tightly focussed hour longs each year.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Absolutely agreed! The performances of the cast are amazingly intuitive.
