MovieChat Forums > Smolensk (2016) Discussion > Who really watched this "masterpiece"?

Who really watched this "masterpiece"?

Who here on this board actually watched the movie. I confess, I've watched only the trailer.
I've watched only the trailer because even within those two minutes I could see how TPTB are trying to distort reality; presenting things THAT aren't TRUE:
1. In the trailer we see an explosion, which wasn't in reality,
2. Journalist leads a mysterious investigation, and the infos that she receives are in conflict with factual evidence read from the REAL flight recorders (so-called black boxes) - e.g. the pilots despite warnings of the TAWS system continued to descend to the level of the trees and then it was too late,
3. In the trailer we see the mysterious witnesses, who mysteriously die. There were no single witness, teams of specialists worked on reading from the flight recorders,

This whole crap (Smoleńsk) is disgusting - in the shameful way distorts this part of Polish history


Planning to:
1.Gather Friends
2.Get popcorn and beer in cinema
3."Enjoy" this movie as if we were watching "The Room"

No need to get too serious with this crap - it will just become more powerful amongst... certain groups, if you keep hating it.


No need to get too serious with this crap - it will just become more powerful amongst... certain groups, if you keep hating it.

Personaly I don't care about this movie, but I'm living in Warsaw and I have a few neighbours who are very naive. And I don't think so, they're the exception in Poland. These are simple people, they're boggled at lies of the such "documentary movie".. so such situation pisses me off 


You forgot about murder of journalist who recently said he didn't know he was murdered and it was quite a shock when he discovered in this "movie".


You're right, I wrote generally
In this trailer they're mentioned about the operator of TV station, who died Moscow


Oh yeah, but in reality he wasn't even there because he caught a pneumonia before the whole thing happened and was in the hospital in Moscow the whole time... confirmed by his family and friends - he was supposed to go to Smolensk but unfortunately he got sick before he did.


Hey, Amerykanie mają swoje 9/11 a my mamy Smoleńsk :D


Are you really thinking that those movies are similar?
The only movie with this title "9/11", which I've heard, was the documentary movie. "9/11" won two Emmy's awards. It described the truth events - the filmmakers were in Manhattan that day and were shot THESE pictures.

Another movie I've heard was "World Trade Center" with Nicolas Cage, that movie underline the bravery of the ordinary men, especially firemen. This is an average movie, a little cheesy, but telling the truth and not-creating mythical plots



Log-boy, twoja wypowied? mia?a sens wy??cznie w kontek?cie filmu, bo jako? filmy porównywa? mo?na. Nie istnieje mo?liwo?? porównania zamachu na Bli?niacze Wie?e i Pentagon z zamachem na zdrowy rozs?dek, bezpiecze?stwo i prawa fizyki przez Bli?niaków i B?asika, ich nadwornego genera?a.


You violate the rules of IMDB website - write in English, please. If you want to be well understood, write more precisely:

Hey, Amerykanie mają swoje 9/11 a my mamy Smoleńsk :D

and ...I propose not to lecture😉.

We discussed about the movie - not about those horrible events.



and so we treat the smolensk propaganda


give him a break 😉, I've already put him on my ignore lists. This small guy must give vent to emotions

have a nice afternoon 

