Is it me or.....

Is it me or is this just low grade acting and producing? It seems like they are just over dramatizing situations that may or may not have happened that led up to the crime. All they are doing is exploiting a murder that forces some of the people to relive a horrific event. I hope these individuals were compensated handsomely for having to involve themselves in these poor attempts of retelling of the horrorific events in their lives.


You realize all the people in the reenactments are just actors, right? They had no personal involvement in the horrific events, so they aren't reliving anything. As for the real people giving interviews, if they didn't want to be involved, they could have turned down the offer to be on the show. They weren't forced to do anything. They don't have to participate in the show or watch it.


You realize all the people in the reenactments are just actors, right? They had no personal involvement in the horrific events, so they aren't reliving anything.

I know these actors have no person involvement, but it's the low quality and low budget reenactments that bother me. I know the real people had the option to do it or not, but I am guessing after they watched their episode, they probably had second thoughts. What they thought was going to be an accurately depicted, so as to raise awareness to certain dangerous situations was actually just cheap drama to fill an hour slot.
