Careful what you write...

Robert is threatening to sue "internet bullies" who are mean about his past as an escort. I'm not sure what that means. Are people not allowed to discuss it?


Robert is threatening to sue "internet bullies" who are mean about his past as an escort. I'm not sure what that means.

It means that he wants to add another five to his already dwindling fifteen minutes.



Yeah... Good luck with that. Cause deleting stuff from the internet is a thing you can do...

So no, you can feel free to discuss it as much as you want as it is actual thing that happened. It's not a lie.

Also, the show clearly wants to promote the "scandal" and get people to talk about it, it wouldn't surprise me if he's basically just taunting you to do just that.

Speaking of lies, him claiming it's hist PAST is a flat out lie since he was listed as still working as of April 2016.


Apparently deleting stuff from the internet is something you can a degree.

If you googled him last week "Robert Sepulveda gay porn" or something like that, you could find quite a not so much. I guess his attorneys could tell the websites to cease and desist? There are still links but you really have to search now. I'm speaking of the harder core escort photos. His videos have been removed from X-tube.

Yeah, I love how he actually threw "bullying" in there for good measure, the buzz word of the moment.


It means nothing. He was an escort, he said it himself and people are free to discuss public figures. He accepted to show his face (and more) through various medias. Cyber bullying is a serious issue and people really suffer from this, especially kids at school who can't control how things can escalate on line. He shouldn't use this term for his situation because it's not comparable with what these kids go through.


He shouldn't use this term for his situation because it's not comparable with what these kids go through.

Exactly. The problem with the phrase cyber-bullying is that sooooo many people claim to be cyber-bullied all the time, when in fact they just have trolls being annoying to them online. If it's that bad, then just log off the internet. Live your life without social media, or don't read the comments people leave you. It's kids who are being cyber-bullied and can't escape from it because they go to school with the bullies that have the real problem.


Man, I really wanted to see his videos....


LOL me too. I wanted to see the shampoo bottle one. Now it's nowhere to be found. Trust me the other graphic don't want to see.


Darogr, please spill. I mean, how bad can it be? A hint at least.



Wow, the link to the videos was deleted. I guess LOGO's Legal Dept. is doing something or Sepulveda's attorneys.

